New Years Resolutions Update

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    Just curious how your NYR’s are goinig. My only one was to go on 10 dates this year. Well, I’ve had to lower that so now I’m just trying to see if I can find at least ONE this year. What the status of yours?



    lolol..Lowery, mebbe you’re lookin’ in the wrong places…and the year is still young…so don’t be a defeatist quite yet. Did you go to that meet-up at Maharajah? Thought about attending others? While some of us may not be your datable material, perhaps once we meet you, we might know what your type is, and oh, I’ don’t know..fix you up? lol. Not the ideal, I quite understand, but..hey..ya never know :)

    And, frankly, friendships are great…and what’s wrong with “dating” a friend every now and then..never know where it might lead.



    Three months into not smoking, down twenty pounds, haven’t eaten any roadkill…going pretty well.



    This morning I set a goal to go to Bikram yoga 5 days a week for the entire month of April. That was this morning and I’m already thinking I’m not going to go tonight…. So we don’t even need to get into my New Year’s resolutions.

    Speaking of… anyone want to do a month of Bikram Yoga with me on California? Maybe if I had a buddy to meet it would make me go. Bonus- I look hot in spandex…. or at least I might after a month of yoga or a long night of drinking…

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