Nasty Election already starting

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  • #756816


    Remember … to meet this budget… we BORROWED 1.17 Trillion. The gimmick of payroll tax holiday… we borrowed it.

    Mandatory spending: $2.173 trillion (+14.9%)

    $695 billion (+4.9%) – Social Security

    $571 billion (+58.6%) – Unemployment/Welfare/Other mandatory spending

    $453 billion (+6.6%) – Medicare

    $290 billion (+12.0%) – Medicaid

    $164 billion (+18.0%) – Interest on National Debt

    US receipt and expenditure estimates for fiscal year 2010.

    Discretionary spending: $1.378 trillion (+13.8%)

    $663.7 billion (+12.7%) – Department of Defense (including Overseas Contingency Operations)

    $78.7 billion (−1.7%) – Department of Health and Human Services

    $72.5 billion (+2.8%) – Department of Transportation

    $52.5 billion (+10.3%) – Department of Veterans Affairs

    $51.7 billion (+40.9%) – Department of State and Other International Programs

    $47.5 billion (+18.5%) – Department of Housing and Urban Development

    $46.7 billion (+12.8%) – Department of Education

    $42.7 billion (+1.2%) – Department of Homeland Security

    $26.3 billion (−0.4%) – Department of Energy

    $26.0 billion (+8.8%) – Department of Agriculture

    $23.9 billion (−6.3%) – Department of Justice

    $18.7 billion (+5.1%) – National Aeronautics and Space Administration

    $13.8 billion (+48.4%) – Department of Commerce

    $13.3 billion (+4.7%) – Department of Labor

    $13.3 billion (+4.7%) – Department of the Treasury

    $12.0 billion (+6.2%) – Department of the Interior

    $10.5 billion (+34.6%) – Environmental Protection Agency

    $9.7 billion (+10.2%) – Social Security Administration

    $7.0 billion (+1.4%) – National Science Foundation

    $5.1 billion (−3.8%) – Corps of Engineers

    $5.0 billion (+100%-NA) – National Infrastructure Bank

    $1.1 billion (+22.2%) – Corporation for National and Community Service

    $0.7 billion (0.0%) – Small Business Administration

    $0.6 billion (−14.3%) – General Services Administration

    $0 billion (−100%-NA) – Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP)

    $0 billion (−100%-NA) – Financial stabilization efforts

    $11 billion (+275%-NA) – Potential disaster costs

    $19.8 billion (+3.7%) – Other Agencies

    $105 billion – Other



    re, post #101 – Kootch..could you please quote your source?



    The Federal Budget

    As proposed by Obama and passed by continuing resolution.

    Yea JoB… and my first employer a Fortune 200 company is in the dust bin of history.. Jim Walter Corp. KKR did the honors, not Bain. Lots and lots of companies went under the knife, remember Chainsaw Jack Dunlap? And where did all that rendering of corporate fat and obsolesence go? Microsoftm HP, Intel, Apple, etc etc etc…. it wasn’t stashed away.. it built homes, offices, buildings, roads and bridges, .. it went to work in more productive ways… what was the GDP in 1980? 2.78 trillion… What was the GDP in 1990? 5.8 trillion…. 14, trillion last year btw….. GDP doubled in 10 years after a recession with a national unemployment rate of 14%… AND MORE PEOPLE in the labor pool…. it doubled in ten years.

    Ya think Obama is he champion of the engine of growth… small business…. look at the budget.. and laugh your tail off… SBA funding? He gave out more in Energy green loans and grants to the Dept of Energy…. Solyndra, SolarOne, Fisker.. etc etc etc…. net new jobs? None. Love from his greenies.. lots.

    The only thing we have to fear is Obama…and a Democratic Senate. We can do it again.




    the only corporate fat rendered by private equity investing is jobs…

    and no amount of misdirection is going to change that.



    Ok then… on your way to Seattle, watch the steam clouds poring out of Nucor Steel… as all that recycled metal is converted to useful products, including rebar for those civil projects …. and a tip of the hat to Bain Capital…. who invested in Nucor and made it possible. Our federal government closed it, shut it down, and laid off all those Bethlehem workers forever. Bain re-opened it, and capitalized it so it could invest in state of the art smelting processes…. something our EPA zealots never considered, employing around 300 …. And of course it helped pay for the removal of the PCB contaminated soils and remediation of the contaminated settling ponds… BAD..BAD..BAD.. Bain Capital. And they made 140 million in the deal.. so what?

    Since the 1960s, only one American corporation has independently begun to produce steel on a large scale, and Bain Capital deserves a good deal of the credit for its success

    Bet a few hundred workers at Nucor would disagree eh?




    exceptions only reinforce the rule



    Which rule?

    “the only corporate fat rendered by private equity investing is jobs”?

    That rule? Ha ha ha…. they found value where our federal government said there was none… and those are jobs.

    Going to include Staples too?

    With 90,000 associates worldwide, Staples has a presence in more than 26 countries throughout North and South America, Europe, Asia and Australia — bringing easy to offices and consumers everywhere. Bain Capital again.



    Oh Job, Oh JoB… is life ironic or what… this very night, the Campaigner in Chief is in NYC ….. fund raising…. at a Private Equities trade Association…. ha ha ha ha ha.. too tooo funny! Wonder what they are going to get in the deal eh? No plate too foul to take from eh? Send post #104 to Debbie Wasserman at the DNC…. they haven’t heard the JoB Rule.



    Or… the KC jobs in Everett… somewhere between 850 to 1000… lost to EPA and the Department of Ecology… I bet all those employees would LOVE to see Bain Capital right about now. Someone who could capitalize it. But.. maybe, just maybe a plant built in the 30’s with 75 year old technology just can’t be saved… and someone will invest in a more productive use of the land and assets… it does work that way sometimes. You can’t save that which has no value as a production company. USPS?




    money goes where it grows

    and it grows faster when you use someone else’s money for capital

    if Obama is doing his best to tap that well tonight

    it only proves that liberals aren’t so stupid after all.

    my guess is he will do well there

    after all.. successful venture capitalists get that way by being good at assessing odds



    No, it means you can’t make a cogent case for the man, I quote, actually paraphrase…. Tavis Smiley… much to his obvious pain..

    On Obama..

    “He is nothing but political calculation, he has done nothing for black people”

    You just said a few posts ago the reallocation of capital to more productive uses was a sin…. now “money goes where it grows” eh…? Well right you are on that. Private equity about to pick up the mortgage portfolios of Fannie Mae? It’s an idea that has been floated around for awhile now.

    Gone through the list yet? Where ya gonna wack? Here’s the CBO on the Obama Buffet bizarro plan… 30% on taxes over 1 million… ready?……

    “Okay. Let’s do the math. The Joint Committee on Taxation estimates this new tax would yield between $4 billion and $5 billion a year. If we collect the Buffett tax for the next 250 years – a span longer than the life of this republic – it would not cover the deficit for 2011 alone.”

    Thats the plan…. 4 to 5 billion a year. Our interest payments are 164 billion… just the interest payments..for one year.. OK.. so we give ya the Buffett plan… now… what do you cut? See how crazy this is? The Congressional Budget Office score it worse yet.. they say 3.2 billion… what we currently borrow every 17 hours.

    It ain’t a revenue problem… it’s a spending problem. Ya gonna vote him in again and…”cross your fingers and hope”? Or go all in with the redblack plan… 60% tax rate.. covers what we borrow every 34 hours…. ?



    if bain capital invested in nucor, it was long before romney came along. nucor is a recycler with small arc furnaces. they’re not really a competitor in bethlehem or with USX. and furthermore, nucor has repeatedly asked the federal government to raise 40% tariffs against foreign steel. why? to protect american steel and jobs.

    maybe you’re thinking of SDI. theirs is the company that bain “saved,” and whose story is currently bouncing around in the right wing echo chamber in response to the obama campaign’s ad about GSI.

    but i’m guessing that for every SDI, there are four GSI’s that bain axed, “restructured,” or loaded so heavily with debt that they couldn’t recover.

    bain will go wherever the money is, and they don’t give a single turdlet for american jobs. if jobs happen to be a side benefit, well, bully for them. but the norm is to cut pensions and benefits so that whatever company they “invest” in isn’t hampered by stupid american workers and their stupid lifestyles that include things like eating and having shelter and maybe a comfortable retirement.

    this is not the kind of mentality that should be governing our country.




    what you can’t see is that liberals are well aware of Obama’s downside

    but that doesn’t change Romney’s downside..

    which is a bottomless well of despair for this country’s people.

    Yup.. he’ll be good for the corporations..

    and for the Republican party

    all they want is someone who will get out of the way of the runaway congress they think they control

    but no matter how you look at it, Obama’s bad doesn’t make Romney good.



    Nucor needed the capital for those Sest German designed arc furnaces. We sold the open hearth ones that went by barge … to China and were promptly out back in production. Yea funny how that works… The “new” Obama ad re: GST Steel is hilarious… 17 steel plants went under that year.. here’s a quote directly from union… at the time.

    “n news reports at the time, the then-president of the steelworkers union local in Kansas City blamed the plant closure on high pension and health-care costs and competition from below-cost imported steel.”

    See that redblack? “Dumping and union benefits”… KC couldn’t survive. Bain did try .. they dumped in 24 million … got no union concessions and tried for two years to turn it around. Now you could ague the net benefit to the end users, construction projects, Auto industry, rails… saved money… but.. I don’t want to search the data. They lost 750 jobs.

    Let’s move on though… Steel Dynamics.. another Bain rescue and turnaround, now employs 6,000 union steel workers, listed on the NASDAQ … That’s the WHOLE idea of an equity capital firm… take a dying business, try a turnaround… if that fails, are the pieces worth more the entity. The don’t go in and buy robust, healthy, viable companies… they go in an take the patients that are declared the corporate equivalent of “brain dead” and try to bring them back to viability and sell them. Bain Capital obviously and indisputably has a great record doing so. You don’t make any sense… if their failure rate was 4:1 … they couldn’t exist. Actually their success rate is astoundingly good.. remember it’s their expertise that allows those companies to take on debt to buy new furnaces, invest in automated processes, expand into new markets. By the time Baine gets there dude.. they are in the morgue…and are dying because they can’t get debt. See in Coporateland… if your number suck so bad you can’t get investors and you can’t get credit, and union and management have taken the company down… the Bain wagon is your last chance at survival.

    New management, new capital, and SD is now the fifth largest producer of carbons steel in the USA. Thank-you Bain Capital for finding the diamond in scrap pile.

    Gosh so far that’s Staples 50,000 USA employees, SD, 6500 employees, Nucor Steel, 12,500 employees..

    Still no takers though on where to cut? Let’s concede the Buffett Rule… we will pile on the millionaires…. that takes care of 17 hours of Chinese loans. Now how ya wanna finance the federal government at the levels it is now? How CAN you? Evil ass republicans … trying to balance a budget. 1112 days and no Senate budget proposals.. see.. everyone knows there has to be cuts… even Senators can add and subtract ( well most, can) the left is playing economic chicken … they are trying to leave the dirty work to republicans… and that is cowardly behavior. So as fellow citizens.. with a 16 trillion dollar deficit who interest expense is larger than the budgets of HHS, Dept of Education, Department of Labor combined… cutting those three just makes the interest payments… doesn’t reduce the debt one dollar.

    See 164 billion interest income goes to China… it’s sorely wasted money. It’s not available for government programs is it? So how are you going to do these three things… pay the debt interest, fund the government programs, and reduce the deficit. You may not like it… but 47% pay no federal income taxes… none. We now have a smaller work force too… and all Obama can blather is “social Darwinism”… and the republicans have sent 14 budget proposals to the Senate. Act responsibly Mr. President… the goodies bag is empty.

    JoB Mitt at least understands economics… he understands the breadth of the problem… Obama can’t. That much we do know. Be an idealogue all you want… He failed the first 4 years and his second term is a virtual promise to make it worse.




    I will grant you that Mitt knows how to make money on other people’s dime

    but that doesn’t mean he understands economics

    or that he will govern any differently than he campaigns

    regardless of what he may or may not have done before.

    “See 164 billion interest income goes to China… it’s sorely wasted money. It’s not available for government programs is it? So how are you going to do these three things… pay the debt interest, fund the government programs, and reduce the deficit. You may not like it… but 47% pay no federal income taxes… none. We now have a smaller work force too..”

    and who borrowed all of that money from China

    for a war he didn’t bother accounting for?

    oops.. that would be that republican you don’t want me to name… because when Obama put that debt on the books.. it became his?

    and why is it .. if your number is correct.. that 47% of people pay no direct federal income tax?

    if they rent, they indirectly pay federal income tax.

    if they buy groceries or goods they indirectly pay federal income taxes…

    but that aside..

    why do some people pay no direct federal income tax?

    because they don’t make enough money to do so.

    they don’t make enough money to do so because they don’t have jobs.

    now.. wouldn’t the smart thing to do to be to get them jobs, accomplish some of the infrastructure work that desperately needs doing in this country.. and create taxpayers to help fund paying the interest, and government programs and the deficit.

    could it really be that simple kootch?

    yup. it could.

    All of those tax breaks we give to big oil so they can make record profits would put one heck of a lot of people to work producing tax revenue at the same time.

    Woo Hoo!

    i know big businesses have been built on less.



    Every 1.00 spent 40 cents… is borrowed money,not revenue. 6 Trillion of the national debt was incurred by Obama. Obama who has now spent more in Afghanistan than Bush did in Iraq and Afghanistan both.

    Bush added 5.07 trillion dollars. Total, including the carryover to be fair to The Messiah. Are you reading again? Let’s go the … sayyyyyy CBS news.. no friend of Republicans… and let’s see…

    (CBS News) The National Debt has now increased more during President Obama’s three years and two months in office than it did during 8 years of the George W. Bush presidency.

    The Debt rose $4.899 trillion during the two terms of the Bush presidency. It has now gone up $4.939 trillion since President Obama took office.

    WOW DID YOU READ THAT JOB??!!!! Obama has buried the hatchet deeper in our back in 3 1/6 years than Bush did in 8..and of course that amount has risen appreciably since then. Bush didn’t “hide” it in the books.. he didn’t put it in the non-discretionary budget… but trust, me, it showed up loud and proud as a deficit … he didn’t want to take it out of entitlements… as he might have.. but congress would never have passed it.

    He is burning it faster and getting in faster at 3 X the rate.

    Sure JoB .. they aren’t paying taxes indirectly.. or if they are, so are the 53% who are carrying them. Only you would say food stamps pay income tax. They need to DIRECTLY pay income tax because as the numbers clearly show… those of us who are directly an indirectly paying can’t pick up the slack.

    Big Oil.. as has been proven…gets not one dime in subsidy. Liberal speak no longer works. They aren ‘t tax “breaks” they are chargeable expenses just like you auto mechanic has chargeable expenses. EVEN then.. “Big Oil” pays some of the highest corporate income taxes… you know who doesn’t pay? High Tech… where Obama goes fishing for donors, The entertainment industry, ditto…. they pay a marginal tax rate of less than 5%.. Oil has a marginal rate of 32% !!!!

    And what would Democrats to with that “oil” money? More Solyndras? More production of Volts? How would they put that money to work in a repetitive cycle of a private company making consumer products or creating consumer services that are taxable on two fronts.. corporate and payroll taxes? See if you look at the charts of say.. WW2 where GDP was 40% defenses spending? That was deficits be paid later. OK then back to the line item budget…. the federal highway trust….

    Wanna see how big the oil tax break is for domestic manufacturing tax credit is….???? Let’s see

    The Joint Committee on Taxation estimates that removing the incentives would raise $24 billion over 10 years, while extending the green-energy and efficiency incentives would cost $11.7 billion over the same period, according to Menendez’s office.

    That’s 2.4 billion a YEAR JoB….. about what Obama is borrowing every 11 hours. That’s it.. that’s all. BUT… he wants to extend the greenie credit at twice the cost. Ya think that will employ the 7 million jobs we need. This isn’t the 1930’s… when the CCC went out in the woods, lived in tents, and used hand tools… this is the age of prevailing wage and cost plus contracting… we use big, heavy, equipment, cranes, bulldozers, not 5000 laborers with hand shovels and wheelbarrows…. and we don’t pay em at the rate of an E-1 private in the Army… they get prevailing wages… most of the money goes to the general contractor and his equipment lease expense and materials.

    Now… You’ve knocked off big oil… you’ve got your 1% Buffet ruled… and you covered ONE day of borrowing. Just one day.

    WHere are you going to cut. You still haven’t touched the deficit which is 148 billlion in interest expwnse… if Obama gets a second term… and the estimated 20-22 trilion deficit comes true… we will be in the 260 to 300 billion a year in interest expense only. Stop looking to take it out of the hide of others… it’s not a revenue problem… it’s a spending problem.



    Here, I’ll make it simple for ya.

    Step 1 – 40% is borrowing

    Step 2 – Just to hold our own, .. and not go farther in debt… we have to cut 40% of the federal budget.

    OR… you have to increase GDP by 5.2 per cent per year for 15 years to get the revenue form corporate and personal income tax to eliminate the deficit… with ZERO growth in federal spending. Note Obamacare isn’t even in the equation. No Cola adjustments for healthcare, food stamps, nothing…

    You think Bush handed off a stinky turd to Obama… look at the one he passing off… now.. we know Obama couldn’t do the job…you better pray Romney can. Ya see why “war on women”, gay marriage, are sorta fringe issues? Or is the big picture too scary to even look at?

    You CANNOT tax your way out of this with other peoples money. Even the Presidents own Blue Ribbon Commission, Simpson Bowles as honest an appraisal as it was… he threw in the corner and ignored.

    Romney is the best chance offering now on the table… it really is that simple. Despair? Yes, for some. Want to go to Desperate for All?



    After trying to digest all of what I read so far its just mind boggling that even you kootch can ramble on and on and on that’s ok …..back in the 80’s/ 90’s groups of investment firms prowled the country side looking to take over pension rich and cash rich companies yes bain was one of them their were others now think back to “T” bone pickings a Texas millionaire who looked hard at boeing for this very reason and it didn’t matter what political party they belong to…..the best thing going was buying stock into theses very companies sucking them dry and moving on….now along comes the states like ours who put in poison pill legislation to prevent this… bains and others like them had to stop. Takeovers came to a halt like pickens quick turn around’s to fix get investment back make them smell like a rose rather then the skunks kinda like what the banks did to the housing market except it imploded before most found out what was going on……now who should we trust the mitt romney no he’s just their poster boy set to lose until someone they really want comes along in 2016……Now just give me oh lets say 20% or less of what both partys will spend buying my vote I would be happy wouldn’t you…



    Yea that poison pill sure worked. They moved the company headquarters to Chicago and are no longer a Washington company., and where are they building the successor plants to the 737… why in South Carolina. If Boeing looks as vulnerable in the future, as they did then.. someone will come for them. Old “T” Bone never to the best of my knowledge purchased companies outright.. he purchased enough to get on the boards, and enough of a position to propose to the owners of the company, the stockholders… I can give you “X” value for the sum of the parts… and… if it worked in the interests of the owners… they sold him their shares or tendered their proxy. The banks did just what the federal government encouraged or allowed… the CRA and congress put out the green light and away they went. ..that’s like blaming a beagle for baying at a rabbit… it’s what they do. But Waynster…here’s the sad state of affairs…. would you like a country with four more years of Obama? Ya think we could pass that test? Paying interest expense on a 20-22 trillion debt..where we finally surpass the economic capacity of a country to sustain itself? Those cuts my friend won’t be fat and waste.. it will be bone and protein. We already KNOW how Obama rolls… still got that 8 point Obama wins spread rating in the betting ring? Tax the rich has been debunked, thinking big oil is the core evil isn’t working.. debunked too… what’s left in the old ammo belt?




    the haves have everything the have nots used to have

    why shouldn’t they pick up the tab for the mess they created?



    Moving to head quarters to Chicago had nothing to do with the state it had more to do with the Mc Donald Douglas merger and the south Carolina move had to do with a VP and a ceo from that company stonesiffer was his name and the new board of directors from the southtern states…..Old T bone did just that he would buy up the stocks proxy vote what he wanted then close them down like I said it was the times…..would I trust Obama over Mitt yea right now I would sorry….by the way its the 787 their building and they still have major problems making them they fix them in Everett….. 737 is still made here…who was the president when the housing market went down….? Still like Job said why shouldn’t they pick up the tab they made…..lets add this to the nasty side of this election



    “They” created? Some Americans by wit, by education, by risk, and heck some by luck… earn a great living. Here’s an interesting fact, in any decade, as many move OUT of the bottom quintile, as move in the upper quintile. Getting back to lesser complicated, no one took anything from anyone. They earned it. If you look at the numbers.. posted endlessly… the top 10% who pay 74 per cent of the income taxes cannot cover the bet. It’s that simple, you outspent the earning capacity. Class envy and taxes will not bring back prosperity. Jobs will. There are one million fewer workers in the labor force today, than the day The Messiah took office. I know the 737 is still made here. The question is where will the replacement be made? The line will not go on forever, Boeing is building its future in South Carolina.

    Funny, the federal government is spending millions to prosecute a baseball player for steroid use. Millions. Yet, for all that malfeasance,…. not one DOJ prosecution for one Wall Street banker. McDonald Douglas was Hqtrd in Missouri… but, they are gone and they are building in SC and purchasing massive amounts of land which SC rezoned for industrial production. Yea, and GM has been building cars for 125 years… and they recalled every Volt that came off the assembly line. Learning curve?

    Does it make a difference really? The only solution, that was deferred the moment the President got his copy, was… revenue and cuts. Now, we know increasing taxes in a shrinking economy won’t work. We know that we have to get about 8 million taxpayers on the rolls. That’s the crux of the issue.. the 10 per cent can’t carry the load by themselves any longer. Now if you believe Obama and his policies are going to generate that kind of growth.. vote for him. The misery index will be profound indeed. The party never stopped in the Hamptons during the Great Recession.



    The have everything

    1970 average Home Size 1400 sf

    2009 2400 sf

    Vehicles per household 2010 2,24

    1969 1.13

    Workers per household 2009 1.26

    1969 1.21

    And we could compare phones per household, number of children, television sets, refrigerators, computers etc…. material wise we are awash in plenty… and while the top 1% are exceptional, the average American home is stuffed with crap. And y’know when we got our first tv..? When dad could pay cash for it. New car? cash… the only debt he ever carried his entire life was a mortgage. He was never one paycheck away from economic disaster…. the average credit card debt today, per family?…. 17,800 … average savings account? 18,350… INCLUDING 401K’s…. hmmmmm ? They are maxxed out on debt and feel insecure? Wait til the 26 year old finds out we dropped a 60,000 deficit burden on them too… they will burn us at the stake… add a 40K college education debt ,,, wadda way to start a new life,… paying off grandpa and grandmas debt for the first 20 years of your working life,,,,,,, but jeez don’t possibly blame being over leveraged on your own consumer based lives…blame the 1 per cent, or 10 per cent… whatever.



    wow. are you trying to carpet bomb the thread into submission? i have time for one or two posts a day, so don’t get any ideas about me conceding any of your ramblings.

    see, kootch. what bain capital did used to be illegal until your hero, ronald reagan, rode into town on ole’ paint. used to be that you bought a company, you owned its debt, too. not so anymore. now you can squeeze the life out of it and turn “saving it” into a lucrative venture. or not. as long as bain gets its cut, “saving” the actual companies and jobs is secondary.

    what i’m telling you is that there’s no altruism in that model. those vulture capitalists are in it for one reason and one reason only. they don’t care about the jobs, the benefits, or the pensions.

    now, regarding the kansas city steel mill, that union president cited two reasons for the plants’ closing.

    you latched onto one of them like a pit bull on a chicken wing: stupid union workers with their fancy wages and benefits.

    the other reason is that the federal government is allowing foreign steel to be dumped onto the american market. why?

    because companies like bain capital demand that either they are allowed to cut american workers’ (usually union) wages and benefits, or be allowed to find cheaper labor. and that money has a lot of pull in congress and the white house.

    willard romney is a narcissistic a-hole, and his lack of regard for american jobs is one good reason not to vote for him. there are plenty more, though.

    oh, and boeing. boeing is making the same mistake that the american auto industry is making: they’re clinging to fossil fuels like grim death instead of leading the world in innovation. they don’t care about jobs, either. they go where the labor is cheapest. maybe use your government to loosen some trade restrictions or sanction a deal that favors your competitor instead of, you know, actually out-competing them.

    it’s just typical short and narrow-sighted focus-on-the-bottom-line bean-counting american business.

    but hey. at least you finally care about the national debt. it only took – what? – 30 years for you to give a damn. until now, all you people have yammered about is taxes.

    welcome to the club.

    wait. actually, i joined your club. now i don’t give a damn about the debt.

    see how aggravating that is?



    Fifity per cent of the entire steel industry was gone, by the time Bain capital got there. If you can’t admire reallocation.. think of it as trailing buzzards…looking for dead and drying.. not the alive and vibrant. Well, when you can find an airplane that flies with a fuel load that is as calorie dense as JP … do let Boeing know, they would be more than interested. As would the Dept of Defense..the trucking industry. But since you don’t give a damn about debt…. your support for HS rail… just took a monstrous hit. That California line is dead. California is 16 billion in debt, not counting their pension shortfall…. and they can;t come up with matching funds. See how that happens? Deficits consume resources. Next, they will be cutting healthcare, workers, retirement pensions, the list will be endless. One thing about debt.. it only goes away when you pay it off or go bankrupt. Going to be taking drachmas in lieu of dollars on your next job? Dollars have to be worth something to pay rent, mortgages, food, clothing etc… See innovation, like Nucor arc furnaces and Steel Dynamics which was built almost from the ground up.. are the results of moving capital where it is not doing good… to places where it can do good. R and D is also a use of capital. I carea bout debt, and you can’t find a post where I supported it… what I won’t tolerate as a voter is giving one sous more to the federal government until it cuts. One dollar in new taxes for every dollar in cuts. Not counting future expenses items either..or calling a budget that rises only 15% instead of 30% a budget cut. You will get your increases in taxes… including a slice from the 47 per cent who pay none, because they have to… but ya don’t pass the crack pipe to an addict and expect them not to inhale. We know Democrats don’t care about debt … but that is why Romney is ahead of Obama, with only 4 per cent still undecided. The economy and the deficit are the top two concerns, with Romney enjoying a very substantial 9 point lead as “better able” to handle economic issues.

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