Maclaren Volo Stroller Switcheroo

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    I ate lunch today at the Elliot Bay Brewery around 3:30 and left my brand new stroller (Grey, Maclaren Volo) at the front of the restaurant. When we finished up and left around 4:30 I went to collect my stroller only to discover that someone had taken my new one and left their older one with a broken zipper in its place. I know that the family did not do this on purpose, the strollers are identical and they probably just took the first one they saw. It’s also possible that they won’t notice that the stroller now has a working zipper.

    If you have a grey Maclaren Volo stroller that was once a bit used with a broken zipper and now is nearly new with a working zipper, I have your stroller and you have mine. The entire reason I bought this stroller is because we are going to do some traveling this holiday and it closes up quickly and easily – perfect for trips through an airport. Unfortunately the broken zipper impedes this function.

    Please email me at springer (at) to arrange for a stroller swap.




    you are being very gracious…cynical me would have said that yes, the exchange was on purpose. This has happened to me with other things…coats…handmade knit scarves, etc. Hope you find yours :)



    bump — in case the volo hasn’t strolled back. I’m having a “Jon Stewart” day so I harbor hope.

    Do let us know.



    Thanks! Still nothing, but I’m holding out hope too!



    I posted your note to the West Seattle Moms of Tots, just in case…



    Have you checked back in with Elliot Bay too? Could be that the other parents realized their mistake and contacted the restauruant where it happened? Just a thought. Hope you get it back.



    At the farmers market Sunday someone left a nice hunk of cheese in my BOB stroller. They all look alike! Thank you cheese person.



    timh2o, that’s awesome! Sucks for them, but I guess there is no cheese lost and found…had there been, I’m sure you would have turned it in :)



    They do all look alike! I’m not even sure the person with the new stroller will notice. I know if I was strolling my kid around and all of a sudden a broken zipper was fixed, I would think my husband fixed it. I don’t think it would occur to me that it had been switched. Hopefully they will notice! I left my number with Elliot Bay in case they do return there.



    I would ask if you could post a note on the window where the strollers are normally stored and see if you get a response.



    That is a great idea, celeste17!

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