Liquor goes bad or being stolen?

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    I bought a bottle of Lemoncello about 4 months ago (one that I have had before). Tonight I went to serve it for guests and it was watered down to be tasteless. I don’t have teenagers, but do have a house cleaner. Can Lemoncello go bad (watery)? Or do I have a liquor thief. There is no other open liquor in the house. What would you do?



    Its not going to go bad in 4 months… I’ve had some in my fridge for years – the flavor may have faded a bit, but doesn’t taste watered down.


    2 Much Whine

    Put it in the freezer. If it has been watered down it will freeze. If it hasn’t been altered it should remain a liquid (depending on the alcohol content). Usually a decent lemoncello is meant to be kept in a freezer. It should be stored in a cool, dark place – exposure to sun can affect the quality.

    I have lemoncello that I made in Italy 3 years ago that has held up beautifully and tastes as good today as it did then.






    If you thing its being stolen, what would you do? Hubby doesn’t drink, should I suspect him? House cleaner? Me sleepwalking? Serious… Looking for ideas, as Lemoncello is not cheap and I’d like to get more.



    I can’t imagine a housecleaner risking getting fired for a few sips of booze. I think a cleaner who stole anything would have a very short career.



    Hide it or keep it locked up so no one but you has access to it or knows about it.



    Limoncello has such a high alcohol content, that properly stored, it shouldn’t go bad or taste watered down. Put it in the freezer so it’s well preserved……behind the ground round and out of sight.


    Genesee Hill

    If it is bad:

    1) It was bad when you bought it, or;

    2) it was messed with after you bought it.


    2 Much Whine

    It’s really easy to make and fun as well. I made 10 liters and it ended up costing me about $15 per liter including the cost of fancy bottles with a swing top lid. There are hundreds of recipes on the internet. I find that 95% alcohol (190 proof – now available at specialty booze shops) works best – at least that’s what they use in Italy.



    If your house cleaner is stealing booze, then other things are potentially not far behind. Get a hidden camera and find out for sure before money or something of intrinsic value goes missing.



    Where can I buy everclear or any other 190 Proof alcohol? WA used to only allow 151 as the highest proof. Did the commercialization of spirits change that restriction too?

    I use it as a solvent and an additive for making infusions and concentrates but have not been able to buy it locally for decades.



    Ken — You might want to try Total Wine near Southcenter — they had some stuff on the shelf that really surprised me including “moonshine!”


    2 Much Whine

    They have it at the Premium Spirits store below the QFC in the junction as well as Total Wine and Spirits in the U District on 45th. You may have to ask for it. They usually keep it in the back because they want to “keep frat boys from killing themselves.” And yes, this was as a result of the state getting out of the business (or else it was a coincidence – timing-wise). I bought 4 liters in October.



    SeekingEuros.. Did it freeze in your freezer? We’re dying to hear the outcome of this story. :)



    Yes; please let us know how this is all playing out!



    I confronted hubby. He swears he didn’t put it on his ice cream (he doesn’t drink). It was watered down so it (2/3’s of a bottle) was dumped down the drain. It will remain a mystery as to how it got watered down, but I won’t buy that brand again.

    I won’t confront the house cleaner, as $30 in liquor isn’t worth it. She has worked for us for a couple of years. But I will be on the watch for other behavior. What would you do? Security camera in the home are against my belief (if you cant trust someone, don’t let them in the house to begin with).

    I have not bought any more Lemoncello, but will soon and will store in the future in the freezer. Anyone have a favorite brand?

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