Have A Few Bucks To Help Get More Gravel For Nickelsville? Stop By Hotwire!

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    I will order ten yards on Monday morning. We will reevaluate further needs after that is distributed. Agreed all? Now go buy a great ham, sun dried tomato and some magic kinda chutney sandwich at Hotwire….for a mere $5 bucks.



    Kootch! Thank You! And big thanks to Kevin & JoB too!

    Big smiles to the West Seattle Community that has so far donated $80.00 to the Gravel Fund at Hotwire!



    Oh…and HUGE THANKS to Mark Harmon of Stonehedge Tree Experts for continuing to haul the barkdust to Nickelsville!




    So if I wanted to donate some of the above-mentioned canned foods and other kitchen items, would one of you (Debbie? Since you’ve already been here once, recently, to pick-up) be willing to deliver it for me? I’ll plan to go shopping on Sunday morning if someone can swing by that afternoon. I may be able to find more blankets (I have a bit of an addition to buying blankets every time we go to IKEA) and Winter gear, too.



    I can’t swing by again until the end of next week, but if you still have it, I am more than willing to deliver.



    That’d probably work even better, so I could actually do a bit of shopping around, and stretch those dollars to get them as much as possible. Will text you late next week, Debbie!



    Westcoastdeb and JoB,

    I have some canned goods I picked up this weekend and misc clothing/blanket, pet collars, etc. Not large amounts at this point, but if you do a pickup for carrieann at the end of the week and want to add me to the list, that would be great. I’m relatively close to NV and JoB picked up some items at my house in August.

    I’d like to be able to add needed items to my weekly/bieweekly grocery list and tap friends for other stuff needed to make some regular donations as able. It would be great to know items that are needed and more difficult to get otherwise (food items, clothing/blankets, toiletries, tarps/tools, kitchen implements, etc).

    If you have a pickup day regularly or could let us know when you’re planning a day to do that for other folks, I know I’d jam on gathering up more things to add.

    Many thanks!



    Joanne and Kevin,

    Thank you for “Followup: Nickelsville” posted today. I wish I’d read it before my last posting, as it answered many of my questions for what’s needed. It also was just simply a great insight on many levels. Thank you again.



    I will gladly add you to my ‘route’. I think I am going to post a thread the day before I run pick-ups, that way as many people as want to can join in.




    Betty T

    The Nickelsville can cupboard is in pretty bad shape. Need things to heat and eat.I was getting stuff where I live that others didn’t want but has nearly stopped. Must have their cupboards cleaned up. I save what can be used to cook with to help with our Saturday meal. They sent me home yesterday with apples and I took a huge apple crisp this evening when I took water.

    Sometimes people put out clothes they don’t want I get them. Have bargained shopped some but the next 2 months will be tight as I’v hit the “DONUT Hole” on my perscription insurance. Gonna cost me much more til the end of the year. Good I’ve saved stuff to cook with.

    I do agree that the bashing should stop. Enough’s enough.

    As to apple picking—just anybody isn’t a good picker, fruit has to be handled with care. Now they don’t pick people off the streets like years ago. I know, picked some for pocket money when in High school. Used 14-16 ft ladders then. My dad said “You’d never be a good picker if you held on with one hand”. Needless to say I didn’t make a lot of money as I’m afraid of heights. It takes money to get to orchard country and money to live on and place to live or stay til payday. I thought about the possibility for some people from here but logic over road that idea.

    Its good to know some people are doing what they can to help Nickelsville. Ive talked to some that would rather be somewhere better but can’t and don’t go there with intentions of long stay. They’re working on things that take time and can’t be rushed. I won’t go into detail, not necessary. Some wait for help and some work for it. They’re all appreciative and thankful for evrything we all do.



    westcoastdeb, thanks so much for being there to help with transporting items – I appreciate your offer! What’s the best way to get in contact to arrange this? I think I live within blocks of you in Highland Park area just off 16th Ave SW.





    Glad we could be helpful



    I am at 18th and Holden. Howdy neighbor! You can leave me a message here, text me (206-949-5001) or drop me an e-mail (westcoastdeb@a.ol.com)

    The e-mail gets checked with the least frequency.


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