For Sale: vintage Kirby vacuum

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    Asking $100 for this 1955 vintage Kirby vacuum cleaner, model 515. The vacuum was recently serviced, so it’s in great working condition. Plus, it just looks awesome with it’s stylish red bag and trim. The vacuum comes with all of the original accessories, instruction manual and, yes, the January 1956 sales receipt.

    More info here:



    Wow. What a cool looking old Kirby!

    We had one from that same era, which I always presumed my Parents had gotten at, or shortly after their marriage in 1951.

    I actually “inherited” it, and it was my vac for several years (I think until maybe the mid-’90’s) when I decided to “upgrade”.

    I did have it serviced at least (and I think only) once, which included a new cord, and converting it to use disposable bags, rather than having to empty it onto newspaper.

    Thanks for the stroll down memory lane, and I hope this sells for you!




    Me too, Mike!

    I distinctly remember my VERY frugal dad buying the base vacuum for my mom as BIRTHDAY gift (a man of his era, my dad. ;-). And then on subsequent birthdays or anniversaries, he’d get another attachment set!

    We ended up with at least half a dozen boxes of attachments that, not surprisingly, never saw the light of day. Not because they didn’t work, mind you, but because my mother wasn’t about to give dad any satisfaction for THAT decision. And I’m pretty sure that crushed his pragmatic soul a good bit. That stuff wasn’t cheap!

    Anyway, we used the vacuum for years and years, just like you and it never so much as coughed. Replace the bags and the band and off you go. I think my sister eventually donated the whole dang lot of it sometime in the late 80’s/early 90’s.

    I hope someone got the whole thing as a set and opened up the pristine upholstery cleaner and the wood lathe, sausage maker, cold-fusion kits, etc. and marveled at brilliance/insanity of the tools. Gotta’ love those post WWII engineers who saw a hearty electric motor and ran with it! :-)



    wake, my own “made-up” attachment over the years, was the “Dog Polisher”! ;-)




    Love it! I wish they’d made a dried cereal bowl cleaner. You know, for when your granola has literally fused to your bowl?? ;-)

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