Fenced Property In West Seattle Needed To Safely Exercise Service Dog

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    I cant take my service dog to the dog park anymore because no one wants to pay attention to their dog and people frequently bring in dogs that SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO PLAY WITH OTHER DOGS. I cant take him to city parks anymore because most people have no control over their off leash dogs.

    My on leash service dog got attacked by an off leash dog in december that almost ruined his career, sent me into a tail spin and ended up requiring 3 surgeries.

    Whats a sane person to do with no back yard with a dog with pent up energy? I just want a SAFE place for my dog to play some ball, be a dog every once and a while and not be stuck in his job 24-7.

    If anyone in West Seattle has a decent sized fenced in yard that I could rent to play ball in please contact me. I promise there will be no digging, no left over poo, no destruction, no evidence that anyone has even been there. And if it really turns into something I like, maybe we could talk about setting up some sort of service dog off leash rental situation. I know a number of service dogs owners who have the same problem as I do.

    Happy Tails To You!

    Mary McNeight, BGS, CCS

    Service Dog Academy, Seattle WA

    Owner/Head Trainer







    i so want to do this for you…

    but i have two little problem shibas who are not friendly…

    still.. if someone with a better solution doesn’t turn up please email me at joanne at brayden dot org

    if we plan..

    maybe i can take my two out while you play…

    the front yard is an acceptable size, fully fenced and level.



    It’s true,some people at dog parks don’t even correct their dogs when they are being too aggressive. They would rather stand there and chat with other people. I think most of them think their dog will not harm another dog so why bother, but if a dog is acting like that, then you never know and it’s safe to just take your dog away from the situation.

    I have a little beagle who usually doesn’t bully other dogs, but she has tried to intimidate a few small dogs. I am pretty certain she would not harm them but in respect to the other owner and to be safe I remove her from the situation by putting a leash on her and walking away. I wish other people would realize this common sense approach when dealing with their dogs.

    I hope you find someone to share their yard.



    HEY I do HAVE fully fenced yard. You know me. My dogs can stay inside NO issues there. You can run and train all you need, come and go as you please!!

    Just call me, I am not to much farther than the dog park:)




    OH and NO CHARGE.:)

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