Driving School?

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    It pains me to think we’re at this stage *sigh* but has anyone had good/bad experiences with local driving schools for teens? The high school’s driver’s ed schedule (for spring and summer) has limited availability and either conflicts with sports or family travel plans, so I’m starting to investigate other options. I don’t necessarily think it’s any cheaper to go through school either, convenience is more the issue – of course quality is important.



    As an adult driver, I have used SwerveDrive for employee defensive driving. They also do driver’s classes for young & new drivers. They require some parent participation and their “Reality Check” day is an exceptionally good training for kids and their parents in a car’s handling in emergencies.

    As a professional driver I have taken many trainings, and they were by far the most professional and best quality. I don’t know their cost, but the program was top notch.



    well its not West Seattle, but my child started Drivers Ed at 911 in Northgate. all classes are taught by police offficers and their driving time is excellent (your child gets one hour behind the wheel each time instead of 15 minutes)



    I learned at Defensive Driving School in Bellevue 16 years ago (yikes!), and I thought they were really good. They definitely taught me to pay attention to avoid accidents (which is good, because it seems like every time I drive some idiot cuts me off or nearly hits me for whatever reason).



    Thanks all – I’ll start checking these out. I guess I probably should have left “local” out since it doesn’t necessarily have to be WS. And I’m not afraid of the parental commitment – the high school requires 50 driving hours outside of class. Thank you again, and if there are any other suggestions, TIA.



    I used Sears Driving School in 1988 and had a good result. I already had the basics down and just needed some behind the wheel time in order to get my license.

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