My family is now so spoiled by the delicious fresh flavor of Smith Bros milk that all other brands just tastes funny. The price is about a dollar more a half gallon to have it delivered than if you purchase it at PCC. In my opinion, if something is carried at PCC we can be assured it is very high quality. It sure is nice having milk delivered and waiting for us when we get up on Tuesday morning. I actually have about half of what we use in a week delivered and I pick up the rest at PCC to average out the cost.
We just started using them 3 weeks ago and love it! I was making so many trips each week to the market to buy milk and then ended up picking up just a few things that we needed…you know how it goes! Slightly higher costs as WSMom indicates but because I’m not going to the market as frequently and staying w/in my grocery budget, we’re spending less. Plus there is the time saved. Try their Apple Juice too… my boys LOVE it!!! Know other families who use them and are very happy too.