Another RANT about Exxon on 35th & Barton

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    Just got back from getting gas. I was in a hurry and had kids in the car so I just swung in to the Exxon on 35th & Barton. Their mid grade posted price was $3.67 a gallon. BUT when I went to fill up the price was $3.79 a gallon! Maybe they are trying to raise some extra money to pay for their broken window…I don’t know but I do know that I won’t be going back!



    Thanks for the tip, Bonnie- my BF fuels up there frequently and I will advise him to be on the lookout for “bait & switch” pricing.



    WAC 16-657-025

    Posting of motor fuel prices — Cash and credit sales.

    The following rules apply to the posting of prices of retail sales of motor fuels. As used herein, motor fuel means any fuel used in motor vehicles, including but not limited to gasoline, diesel, propane and alcohol-gasoline blends. As used herein, motor vehicles shall include all wheeled motorized vehicles, and all boats and airplanes.

    (1) The posted or advertised price of motor fuel at retail outlets must be available to all consumers. Any condition or qualification required to obtain the posted price must be clearly displayed in letters of contrasting color at least one-half the size of the posted price and immediately adjacent thereto.

    (2) A cash price may be posted or advertised if the posting of the price clearly shows it to be limited to cash purchases. The information shall be in letters at least one-half the size of the posted price and immediately adjacent thereto.

    (3) Cash and credit sales.

    (a) If a retailer elects to establish separate islands for cash and credit sales, the islands shall be clearly marked as such in letters at least six inches in height and of proportional width.

    (b) If a retailer elects to permit cash and credit card sales from the same dispenser, the credit price will be displayed on the meter face. Immediately adjacent to or on the pump a chart shall be posted showing the cash discount price in one cent increments. The lettering on the chart shall be of such size and contrast lettering as to be easily read by the consumer.

    (4) Posted prices of motor fuels at retail outlets shall include all federal, state and local taxes.

    (5) The director of agriculture may require retailers to post additional signs or information as necessary to assure that the consumer is aware of information as necessary to make an informed purchase.

    (6) Nothing herein shall be construed to prevent the use of a dispenser which is designed, manufactured, or adapted to permit cash and credit card sales from a single dispenser by manual or automatic means and which computes prices per gallon or litre pursuant to standards established in National Bureau of Standards Handbook 44.


    Consumer Affairs Unit

    805 S. Dearborn Street

    Seattle, WA 98134

    Ph: (206) 386-1298

    Fax: (206) 386-1129


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