Re: WASL/School Standards



I see we have turned our insulting to me now.

Call me ignorant, but who, exactly, is being helped by lowering the standards of tests?

Oh, the kids that don’t care about their education. I think that’s a fine lesson to be teaching.

Yeah, we know that most high school students don’t care about their education and would rather be anywhere else than inside the classroom, so what should we do?

Oh, here’s a great idea! Let’s make the ability to PASS the test EASIER so that more of these lazy, indifferent students will pass. That will make them feel so much better about not applying themselves and caring about their education! What sort of lesson, exactly, is that teaching our young people?

Don’t you think that maybe they could begin to think if they don’t work hard enough, they can still achieve whatever they want because they’ve never really had to work hard for anything?

Do you realize how much smarter youths are in other countries? Such as China, Sweden (just a couple examples)

No, I’m not a teacher but I was a student and a student that didn’t really care about my education. Back then, they didn’t lower the standards so that I would pass tests and have better self esteem. And, thank goodness they didn’t! Where would I be today if I had been taught that everything should be handed to me and I didn’t actually have to work for anything!?!

You are not doing anyone any favors by doing that. If you just cannot see that or grasp that, then there really would be no question who is ignorant.

Obviously some of the remarks made by this person were immature (I don’t mean that in an insulting way, just that he hasn’t fully experienced life in the way us older people have), but the responses he received from some members on this forum were, in my opinion, unacceptable.