Re: tax dollar give away


HMC Rich

Can I get one for my dog too? She is licensed and I care about her safety. Especially when she rides a bike.

Hooper, your outnumbered but keep trying. I agree a little bit. They can buy their own. Or maybe the local bike clubs could give away some too (which they may have).

Let’s see, not paying for a license and getting a cheap government handout courtesy of taxpayers. Yup, it is Seattle. It’s an enLIGHTened earmark. I am so deLIGHTed with this thread.

Seriously, I do like the flags for crossing streets. I have to admit that is a simple idea that helps. In fact I like most of the Bridging the Gap initiative.

I also like replacing sidewalks because tree roots destroy the sidewalks and make people trip. Stupid Trees. You would think they would be more courteous.

Although the PEDESTRIAN MASTER PLAN and the BICYCLE MASTER PLAN sound a bit to ominous to me. Papers Pleaze. Since it’s Seattle, they will be reCYCLED papers.