He did? I don’t think so. 2/3 of those surveyed didn’t think so. 41% gave Obama the edge, 34% called it for Romney, and the rest called it a tie. .. that’s a crushing? OK then… Benghazi is coming up Monday… and the defunct Al Qaida ? I see Obama dropped reference to it in his two stump speeches… he ain’t crowing about crushing them anymore. If that’s the highest mountain he climbs, no need for oxygen masks! But let’s stay with NF… I like her track..
If you like $5.00 gas.. wait.. do you remember Stephen Chu NF? The one who testified before congress that the energy secretary should not try and reduce gas prices? The one that said we should let gas prices rise to European levels? About $8.20 per gallon? That would take about $3200 dollars out of every household income in the country. If you thought $5.00 gallon was high.. wait until a second Obama term… you might hit $10 per gallon… !! If you like $5 gal gas.. vote for Obama, you will love $10 gallon. Think it might increase food prices, commuting costs? Trips for the kids to soccer, school? See how that fits NF? Of course Obama ran from $5 gas like a scalded chicken last night… oh no… not during elections. But we know … don’t we? It’s from his cap and trade mentality.
““Somehow,” Chu said, “we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe
Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0212/73138.html#ixzz29bPkahgd
Looks like the have figured it out! way to look out for the middle class!
Y’know and I know it’s not always possible to have two parent homes… but Romney was right… two parent homes are financially more sound, have greater resources, and yes… sorry to say.. but MOST violent offenders come from single parent homes. Good dads do make a hell of a difference in violence and crime. See Chicago. The blood bath that is Chicago .. gang participation…. single parent homes dominate membership. Not a PC thing to say is it? Dads supervise their kids, provide role models…add more social mobility to live in safer, more secure communities.