Skaret’s Sweet Shop at Westwood Village. They had a row of boudoir dolls, seems like there was a layer of dust on them. I remember going there in 67 with my mother, so she could order the little square mints for my sister’s wedding, in the correct wedding colors.
There was a Junior Bootery at W.V., it had a big door, and a little door you could enter through. And a very large wooden horse, it didn’t have rockers, it was more of a swing motion.
There was also a children’s clothing store.
I remember suffering through long afternoons at Malmos. It seemed to take hours for the choice to be made of what rhodie to get.
I used to take skating lessons out at the Burien Ice Chalet, now torn down for a strip mall. If I had a Saturday lesson, once in a great while I would get a hamburger from McDonalds. Back when the McDonalds was set up like Dick’s. Fifteen cents for a burger, line up outside. Burien was the only McDonalds I ever went to, the West Seattle one always seemed to have burned down.
My girl scout troop went on a field trip to Southgate roller rink, back when you lined up in front of the building. There were some kind of staffing problems, so it didn’t open the day we came. We were overjoyed, we got to go to Astroland, instead! And with our skate money, we ate at Dags? Herfys? What was on 16th back at that time?
I miss Spud Fish and Chips. They are owned by Ivar’s now, and I never did care for Ivar’s fish and chips. My mother would stand in the long line at Spuds when we went to the beach, because she loved their vanilla soft serve. It always seems crunchy in my memory, because of the sand blowing…