I am sure they do. :)) And ain’t none of us the same.
On a tangent, truthfully, I think I am not even truly a democrat. :) Back in the day, I was co-chair of my local Green party. (And yep, they even hated being called out on privilege. We all do.) And before that, I was registered socialist. Overall I would say I am a democratic socialist (one being political, the other economic)…or a radical economic and social egalitarian.
However, that is neither here nor there. Zenguy is right on with the fact that we have stories to tell, and many of us still face discrimination. The forum isn’t a great place to try to really explain a very fundamental concept.
I won’t lie, if I were more closeted, I would deal with less. But as a loud-mouthed, mixed-race, activist, queer “trannie-boy,” I get it too. (Just a caveat: someone outside of the queer community refers to me that way, it would be very disrespectful. It’s an in-group/out-group thing.)
I have the right to be open about who I am, and to expect otherwise is heterosexist and cisgenderist. My gender idenity/orientation is an aspect of my public AND private persona. At the same time, questioning the right to meet among ourselves…or trying to “make a point” about that right IS heterosexist. I think JoB, meg and cookiemonster made very good explainations as to why…but my offer is good for anyone for the in-person discussion.
BTW, my gender identity and sexual orientation has NOTHING to do with my morality. I think I am a pretty moral guy, although as fallible as anyone else here (if not more so.)