March 1, 2011 at 10:49 pm
Probably “beating a dead horse” with this question…but why can a dog swim at Alki…but not in Lincoln Park?
Last summer…I got a warning for my dog down at LP beach…I actually laughed at the person who was so passionate about enforcement and was going to write me a $500 ticket – which I would have ripped up right there…the thought that a dog (mind you one born for the water) couldn’t go swimming at a beach I grew up at and took my dogs to…
I seems more than a little odd, snobbish, wrong, ridiculous…and dumbfounding…
What is the real threat of a dog swimming in one area but not another just 1.5 miles away in the same waters?
I don’t have the time to look up the code…but even if I did…it would still be dumb.