New Resident…
“JoB – Try not to take too much offense, but can’t you see that almost every issue that is brought up, you have a first-hand, personal connection or account of it?
It’s just funny and a little hard, I think, for some to not poke a little fun at that fact. “
LBG was not poking fun…
“That’s not what I said or inferred. I was referring to your MO across the threads of using personal stories as evidence to support your point of view. That is fine if you want to do that but when someone calls you on it( tongue & cheek I might add) don’t twist it to garner emotional support from other posters.”
so exactly how was LBG “calling me on it”?
Did LBG disbelieve my stories.. thinking i make something up for every occasion? Or did LBG simply want to negate personal experience?
I could link to my daughter’s photo/bio at Virginia Tech… I could link to the news articles in the Oregonian of my cousin’s shooting and follow the pedigree back to prove she was in fact my biological relative.
I could do that for nearly every personal experience i relate… some things just aren’t documented…
but i won’t. That would be a gross violation of other people’s privacy…
this isn’t about the veracity of my personal experience.. “calling me me on it” is calling me on the validity of using personal experience in human discourse…
Are you so eager for any kind of support that you will have the arguments of personal experience negated?
Do you honestly believe the impersonal is more relevant than the personal?
I will always speak from personal experience when possible… i choose to do so…. because it is the essence of communication between women… to reduce theory to the personal so that it can be understood as something that actually matters to you.
I have lived long enough to have earned the right to speak as a woman and i refuse to be bullied or shamed into the concept that people don’t matter.. only ideas do…
As a woman.. you might want to think a bit about whether you think experience matters… and whether the personal is less important than the impersonal…