my brother makes the same argument… and i think about it often.
but.. i also think about the hidden agendas i have experienced in my lifetime from the President’s office and those i have studied from history…
i can admit that there have been a few historical instances where i ultimately understood and somewhat approved of the hidden agenda.. but those in my lifetime haven’t been quite so noble… in fact, the opposite can be said.
I find when I have been lied to and I have to resort to the hidden agenda defense for my belief in those who lied to me.. it is time to re-examine the basis of my belief in those who apparently think i am too stupid to understand their motivations.
Jon Stewart had a guest a day or so ago who proposes that the only path towards true democracy is education… that when we think people are too stupid to understand why we are doing something and we choose to work around them (see how nicely i put that).. that all we do is ensure that people will be too stupid to make even the most basic choices about politics…
and by stupid.. i mean misinformed.. because i believe that even those without educations are generally smart enough to make good decisions given good information.
some would say that is the situation we find ourselves in now.
I can understand instances where it might be in the best public interests to hide some of the truth.. but not where outright lies are used to sell something as essential to the nation’s health as a war… where lies are used to promote profit over public safety… where lies are actually written into government publications because the truth doesn’t support current government policy.
And unfortunately, that has been the policy of the current Bush White House…
I think that should upset us all… even you House.
i suspect you make an effort to have accurate information when you make decisions that will affect the future of your business and your family.
i think that’s what we should have as a nation.. when so many of those decisions directly affect our physical, emotional and economic health.