For some, a devolved economy will work very well. Can it generate the wealth to sustain our infrastructure? I doubt it. It’s tough to pay teachers with Bok Choy. A modern economy requires too many collections of specialized talents leaning into a common purpose. Food sources are seasonal… can you get parents to stop buying extruded plastics for the kiddies and buy handcrafted wood toys? I could build a subsistance from the local model, would be my guess. Urbanization trends run counter to it. That model is being rejected in every developing nation that has it in place now. Low capital, low skill, labor intense is not a replacement economy. It would be a massive cultural shift we are incapable of making. It may actually be less efficient. It would be an IPad starved world. Even Ben and Jerry’s relies on huge distribution resources, refrigeration, upstream food processing sources and ingredients. It would be healthier and a more social model. I don’t know.