btw.. i hate to intrude a little accuracy on all of your bombast.. but a 40% failure rate?
according to an article in the Oregonian dated tuesday June 19, 2012 titled the No-Fail option.
it is the last in a three part series titled Diplomas Denied.
the data was taken from state education departments and the mesa school district…
the graduation rate for Seattle public schools is 76%
compared to Portland’s 62%
the low income graduation rate for Seattle is 64%
compared to Portland’s 57%
and that for not low-income kids..
Seattle 87% Portland 67%
btw.. Portland’s stats get a boost from one of the top ten funded and performing school districts in the nation…
i wish i could have found the article online to link..
it had some interesting things to say about what causes that dividing line between failure and success…
most of which you would heartily agree with
but refuse to fund