First lets go back to the basic question I asked. What would you rather have a hummer house or a town house in your neighborhood? I stated a hummer house and I stated why. (B/c of parking/transportation issues.)
I am a bit confused about where your comment “it is often those crying out the loudest who are the least motivated”. First, I dont think anyone was crying out about anything. I think I was asking a simple quesion on what would people perfer that is far different then crying out so maybe you should read the entire post before you begin to make assumptions. We all know about those people. Second of all to assume that I am the least motivated to stand up to make a change and that I dont vote “for officials who understand those concerns and help pass legislation accordingly.” Is very far from the truth. Yes I said I am not going to campaign against it but that is not becuase I am lazy but becuase I have a job and other obligations that I am already committed to. And typically when I go to bat for something I dont half ass it. I put 110% into it, and follow it through until a resoltion is made. But it looks like you dont really care about that or the truth.
Again, read the post(s), no one ever suggested that people shouldnt be allowed to move here or buy new constrcution here. It was asked what type of new construction was perferred?
And yes I know whre my house came from, it was built in 1928 and has been updated and the house behind mine is newer and came after my house.