Re: Hot for Hillary



There is no question, none, that whoever comes out of this process ahead in pledged delegates after the contests are over… If after this historic campaign, the person that wins- gets overturned by superdelegates- The democratic party will set itself back decades… Can you imagine if Hillary won the most pledged delegates, and the “supers” overturned it for Obama, just because he was cool- and brought a better opportunity to win house and senate seats? The first woman ever to win the nomination of a major party for the presidency and the “man” steps in and says, sorry- not this time, maybe in another 200 years? It would be a blunder of historic proportions, that would absolutely destroy the party for many years to come. On top of that, his ascension to the “selected” nominee couldn’t be completed until after a bitter delegate battle at the floor of the convention! That would be the worst possible decision any party could ever make… (well excempt maybe the reverse of it…)