Dollars JoB ..dollars… we measure in dollars when we are talking the public purse and health care. Is preventative care 2 physical exams per year and vaccines? We can afford that. Anything more, you pay? I am not swayed or even interested in one thing a liberal says or espouses until they put a dollar cost to it and a definition of the service they want from the taxpayers. See. you have a squishy definition of “preventive” care… like me paying for a behavior choice, unprotected sex. we have been down lala lane too many times.. we don’t hold hands anymore and skip to our later regret. Preventative care morphs into an ever increasing entitlement until it looks nothing like the intended program. Social Security is like that. It’s a typical chimera of added parts, extensions, “newly discovred” intentions… it ain’t the same animal the only thing we know it cost magnitudes more than we were told. Best not to give life’s breath to the beast inf the first place. AIDS by hypodermic needle for some drug rush.. want to take that off the table too? Or is a 30 grand per year drug regimen “preventive care”? At your annual, preventative health check-up where you are gently advised you are morbidly obese… and you do nothing about it… ya sorta keep packing an extra 150 lbs around at age 30…. the taxpayer is off the hook for the predictable consequences? Ya got the preventative care, a good diagnosis, the therapy is behavior control. If you refuse the therapy, we as taxpayers are done with it? Not our problem? when we can ascribe an illness and complications to behavior choices, it’s on the actor not the taxpayer. Does that fit your definition of fairness? Yes Some of Obamacare is in effect.. right now, costing states money, supposedly they are setting up the exchanges, Medicare was looted by 500 billion to do it. the parental mandate to cover adults until 26… has colleges raising insurance premiums through the roof to force students to use parental plans. Some have raised costs over 50%. works ok if you have parents, have working parents, or you are not emancipated. It’s a quick peek… tell ya if Obamacare does go through… the first Eyeman initiative will be for the state to drop state employee health plans… and it will pass with a 75% voter approval rate. I will sign that referendum is a second. Go ahead, fine the state $2,000 per employee… we will save billions. Yessir , let those underpaid state teaachers, firemen, bus drivers. ferry workers see those direct payroll deductions go to pay for the individual mandate.