I understand that most of people posting here on this blog our supporting Clinton. I just dont see how they believe as Democrats that is what is in their best interest. If Clinton wins the primary and it is a McCain/Clinton race. McCain will win. 1) Republicans will vote for Obama over McCain. They will not vote for Clinton over McCain. I know personally Republicans that are sending donations which is very unlike the. In the past they were spending $1000’s for the Republican Party.
2) Clinton does not have the financial support and backers to win this election. She has alreadyhad to dig into her own pocket for this race.
If we as democrats want change during the next presidency we need to get past who we like more and take a look at electability.
and on a side note-the only reason why the numbers look as close as they do presently isnt b/c it is what the people want it is b/c of the superdelegates. who are slowly coming to their senses.