In the words of the Great One… Well, there you go again….. the Catholic church is practicing it’s long standing, fundemental tenet of faith… it is not a woman’s health issue as hard as you try to frame it that way. It’s violation of the First Amendment. The Catholic church is not opposing your right to legal access to birth control… they are not going to fund it. That’s not discrimination. The issue goes away with the repeal of Obamacare doesn’t it? The question is do YOU have the right to force the Catholic Church to abandon a tent of faith? We are not letting the issue be framed as a “health right” or gender discrimination… cause it isn’t. They can drop health care entirely… and save money in the process… then what have you gained? Please show me where the Bishops are telling you how to run your lives… anywhere. What Catholic tenet of faith are you forced to follow? None. Don’t like it? Don’t work for them. Yea… actually the federal government, even The Messiah has to stay within the limits congress has mandated in the authorizing EPA legislation… and if the courts are overturning them… they are unconstitutional. EPA has limits. The EPA has to live within it’ confines. Take pause… over half the country has filed suit against this administration… 37 states have petitioned the courts . Way to bring us together …. that’s his high water mark.