Insurance Companies: The government would mandate what private companies can and cannot do. That would make it a governmental plan run by companies. AKA a government health plan.
oh. well, since we have the SEC which creates rules for the transfer of securities, by your logic, the stock market is run by the government.
i guess the existence of the FAA proves that we have government-run airlines.
and the FCC must prove that the government runs broadcast media.
and i guess since we have federal drug laws, we all live in a police state, huh?
LOL. that’s one of the weirdest twists of logic i have ever seen, rich.
Honestly, you yourself have come up with better solutions. This is an abortion. Why put lipstick on this pig? It won’t fly. It is bad legislation meant to be good.
dude. my solution is single-payer. that is government-administered insurance that replaces everyone’s deductible with a tax, but allows people who can afford it to buy private insurance. but the goal is to drive the price so low that insurance companies won’t be able to compete.
there. i said it. fire away.
then tell me how making insurance companies do what they pledged to do is bad legislation? the bulk of ACA is simple enforcement of contracts that people expect from their health insurance carriers.
there is no government plan. we on the left couldn’t even get a public option, for crying out loud.
It is possible some insurance companies will get big time profits from this, but others will lose. I want them to lose on the market. Not by government decree.
dude! all insurance companies will see big-time increases in their business. all of them. every single one. the government is driving people into the arms of the insurance industry. this is the farthest thing from socialism that there is.
wait. isn’t that the mandate that you guys were so p.o.’ed about?
you can’t have it both ways and eat it, too, you know.
And one thing I find ironic. Currently you can’t purchase health insurance outside of your state.
why would you want to?
i thought this was a states’ rights issue, anyway.
you guys seem to approach this argument like health insurance is just another commodity to buy and sell. but if you have health conditions that need attention, it’s not so easy to be flippant about it.
and, frankly, rich, i’m not so sure how you can be so flippant about it. by your own admission, you can’t stay on any one health care plan because of cost. the funny thing is that, as a self-employed person, ACA seeks to lower costs for health care and make it so that you can afford to stay with a plan that covers all of your needs.
why is that so nefarious?