Hmmmm… ok, I can see that my point falls on deaf ears (or closed minds, I’m not sure which), but I know that my daughter thanks me everyday for having her, in her own way. That’s enough for me.
To suggest that a woman who chooses to have the child she did not plan for as “selfish” just blows my mind. But, to each his own, I guess (and, btw, it’s very possible that once you have your own child that you are “saving up for”, you will realize what I am talking about).
Cait – I guess you could assume that I am similar to Obama in my opinions of abortion. I really don’t care what people choose to do with their own bodies (they are the ones that have to deal with that morally), but I feel that it has gotten really out of hand. I believe that abortion is being far too often used as birth control and regulation of abortions would be beneficial. Which, in answer to Zenguy, seems like a pretty good start on getting unwanted pregnancies to be less of an issue. Take away their method of birth control and maybe they will find another way.
Obama’s direct quote on abortion, however, I do not agree with (too religious for me):
“One of the things that I’ve always said is that abortion is a deeply moral issue. And those who would deny that there is a moral component to it I think are wrong. The reason that I make a decision to support the choice position is not because I don’t think it’s a moral issue but because I trust women to make a prayerful decision about this issue.”
Nov. 7, 2007 Barack Obama