3618 SW Alaska
West Seattle
Got an Opinion on the West Seattle Link Light Rail Train?
Learn how to make relevant comments on the proposed West Seattle Link light rail routes and stations at the community-led workshop hosted by the West Seattle Transportation Coalition (WSTC). The hybrid workshop will be held in-person on Thursday, April 7, 2022 from 6pm to 9pm, at the American Legion Post, 3618 SW Alaska Street –and– simultaneously broadcast on Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86867861267?pwd=dEo5RjhiMVFESExlWWpBc0V1MnpsQT09. (UPDATED WITH NEW LINK FROM WSTC)
To ensure safety, in-person attendees are encouraged to wear a mask during the event.
Sound Transit seeks comments on their Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for the West Seattle and Ballard Link Extensions through April 28, 2022. The DEIS is a complex document. At this workshop, WSTC and facilitators will describe the DEIS process, briefly review the multiple station locations and route alignments proposed for West Seattle, and share examples of public comments.
Our aims for the workshop include:
● Understanding what is a public comment is and why it is needed
● How to write effective public comments that get meaningful results
● How to back up your comment
Sound Transit staff will be present to answer questions and identify DEIS discussion points. The WSTC appreciates their participation and hopes that you can join us on April 7, 2022 starting at 6 pm:
In Person: American Legion Post, 3618 SW Alaska St.
– or –
Online: a href=”https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86867861267?pwd=dEo5RjhiMVFESExlWWpBc0V1MnpsQT09″ target=”_blank”>https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86867861267?pwd=dEo5RjhiMVFESExlWWpBc0V1MnpsQT09. (UPDATED WITH NEW LINK FROM WSTC)