West Seattle synagogue listings

November 17, 2017 all-day

West Seattle synagogue listings:


Kol HaNeshamah is an intimate congregation with a warm approach to tradition. Shabbat is the cornerstone of our community. We meet twice a month on the first and third Friday and Saturday to worship at Alki UCC, near Alki Beach in West Seattle.

Ours is a progressive synagogue rejoicing in Torah, Avodah (Worship/Prayer), Tzedek and Tikkun (Justice and Healing) but specializing in Kā€™hillah (Community). We attract members from all around Seattle who believe a synagogue is a place to experience the joys of Judaism. We deeply believe in inclusivity. We are young, old, families, singles, single parents, interfaith, straight, gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered.

Our Rabbi, with support from an ensemble of lay-leaders, conducts Friday night services in a welcoming musical environment. Services are followed by a community dairy and kosher fish potluck. Saturday mornings begin with study for both adults and children, followed by a Torah service for all.

Kol HaNeshamah offers a Hebrew school for children and an educational program for adults along with festive celebrations of Jewish holidays. We are also involved in Tikkun Olam activities, including support of the West Seattle Foodbank and Habitat for Humanity.

No dues or tickets are required for any of our services. If you are interested in membership, go to the membership page for details. Kol HaNeshamah is a member of the Union for Reform Judaism.

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