Seattle Chinese Garden
2019 Peony and Bamboo Festival
Saturday/Sunday, May 18–19, 10 am to 4 pm
Thundering drums and energetic lion dancers of Northwest Wushu and Martial Arts (performing at 11 am on Saturday) are crowd favorites during Chinese Garden’s most popular annual event. A Sunday highlight at 2 pm is a colorful performance by the Wahaha youth dance group. Both days feature traditional Chinese culture, martial arts, music, activities for children, and on Sunday afternoon a Chinese tea display table with tastings. Plant seekers can buy potted Luoyang tree peonies (6 varieties) and specialty bamboo.
Suggested donation is $5 to $10; free for children through age 5.
Visit the SCG website on May 17 for a detailed schedule of activities:
West Seattle, Washington
10 Monday