Litter League volunteer community cleanups

July 8, 2018 @ 9:30 am – 11:00 am
6540 California Ave SW
Seattle, WA 98136

I hope you will join us this summer in keeping our local West Seattle Morgan Junction clean. To make it easy for everyone to help out, we have scheduled in advance for five clean up mornings to pick up litter!

The dates are all on Sunday mornings from 9:30 – 11:00:

May 27
July 8
August 5
Sept 2
Oct 7

Yes, May 27 and Sept. 2 fall during holiday weekends, but we know that many people will be in town and able to come!

We will meet by the ATM near the Shell station and I will have vests, litter picker-uppers, buckets and bags for everyone. Please bring and wear your gardening gloves!

I will do a brief safety talk at 9:30 – mainly showing the kids what a needle looks like and to alert me if they find one, don’t pick it up.

This is a wonderful opportunity for family volunteering, meaningful for small kids and something they can really help with! So bring your whole family. Or come alone or with a friend. Dogs are welcome if well-behaved and on-leash and you can do the outer parts of MJ to get you and your pup some exercise. The families with young kids focus on the main intersection areas.

This summer, I am arranging with Seattle Light to let me keep the equipment all summer, so it is also available if you want to tackle an area in your immediate neighborhood around MJ (or if anyone wants to clean up along 35th from the Library to Trenton, that area really needs some help). Just let me know!

You can just drop in or you can RSVP, which is helpful to me in terms of how many people to expect and to ensure I have enough support equipment.

Rainy days don’t cancel unless it’s a downpour.

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