Learn about rainwater harvesting

September 14, 2019 @ 10:00 am – 12:30 pm
Burien Community Center
14700 6th Ave SW

Taught by West Seattle resident Neal Chism:

In this class the residential homeowner learns about rainwater harvesting and how to cut the size of their utility bill.

This is an introductory class on the basics of capturing rainwater, storing it, moving it, and using it.

The speaker shares the evolutionary process he has learned over 30 years of designing and building his home system, how it started, and how well it is working today.

The class:
Covers common problems that may be encountered in developing a home system.
Discusses interesting aspects on water itself. From an engineering standpoint, it’s one of the more troublesome substances to understand and work with.
Offers instructional materials with pictures on installation process.

At the Burien Community Center
14700 6th Ave SW, Burien

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