District 1 Community Network, March 2024 meeting

March 6, 2024 @ 7:00 pm
Neighborhood House High Point
6400 Sylvan Way SW
West Seattle

District 1 Community Network (D1CN) DRAFT

March 6, 2024 7:00 – 9:00 pm


This meeting will be held at the High Point Neighborhood House

Address: 6400 Sylvan Way SW, Seattle, WA 98126

Get Directions, Street parking available

Metro’s # 128 bus stop is across the street

NOTE: Enter the building from the corner of SW Sylvan Way and SW Lanham Place.

Facilitator – Deb Barker, djb124@earthlink.net,
Meeting Attendance by – Larry Wymer (Administrator) – NOTE: if new to D1CN please touch base privately with Larry at larry@larrywymerte.com. If you want to be added to our contact list, provide Larry with your name, email address, WS neighborhood, &/or any group you might represent.


Mission: To unite and strengthen the District 1 community for the benefit of all

Vision: To provide information, knowledge, expertise, and experience to develop productive relationships and effective communication among District 1 councils, associations, groups and governmental, business and community constituents.

Focus Areas for screening of projects to support. Projects must fit in one of these focus areas.

1: Advocate for accountability in local governments.

2: Empower community-based organizations in District 1.

3: Spread knowledge about current local issues.

4: Collaborate across neighborhoods to influence outcomes of key issues.

Mission, Vision, Focus

Around the Room Introductions – Name, affiliation if any, and an answer to this get-to-know question:

Would you rather always be two hours early or 20 minutes late?

Community Announcements – please share upcoming events of interest to everyone or alerts of items that are upcoming to watch out for.

Introductions & a Question

Any Announcements ?

Focus Items for March 6, 2024, District 1 Community Network

District 1 Council Member Rob Saka, 7:25 to 7:45, rob.saka@seattlegov

Reconnect South Park Update – Maria Rameriz, 7:45 to 8:15, https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:US:472834de-d133-4ef1-9fe6-902081efe7c4

Alki Point Safe Street Closure Concerns: 8:15 to 8:45

West Seattle Seal Sitters letters to SDOT: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1l0YZj14FkbKqRd3xfCnDO_GnEw1Gzyk2/edit

The Whale Trail letter to SDOT: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OjD-CPaycF7JTTKTuxN-c4Bua7YZ-DBP9-o7C_-ch4g/edit

West Seattle Time Bank at Alki Arts Gallery on March 21, 2024, 6:30pm. Meet artist Garrison Coverdale: 8:45-8:50

March 6 Focus Items

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