District 1 Community Network, January 2024

January 3, 2024 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

District 1 Community Network (D1CN)
January 3, 2024 7:00 – 9:00 pm

Zoom information – Meeting link is
Meeting ID: 850 4211 4712
Call in only info:
Phone number: 253-215-8782
Meeting ID: 850 4211 4712
Passcode: 165919

Facilitator – Deb Barker djb124@earthlink.net, 206-940-2255
Meeting Attendance by – Larry Wymer (D1CN Administrator) – if new to D1CN
please touch base privately with Larry via Zoom Conversation. If you want to be
added to our contact list, provide Larry with your name, email address, WS
neighborhood, &/or any group you might represent.

D1CN Mission: To unite and strengthen the District 1 community for the benefit
of all

D1CN Vision: To provide information, knowledge, expertise, and experience to
develop productive relationships and effective communication among District 1
councils, associations, groups and governmental, business and community

D1CN Focus Areas for screening of projects to support. Projects must fit in one of
these focus areas.
1: Advocate for accountability in local governments.
2: Empower community-based organizations in District 1.
3: Spread knowledge about current local issues.
4: Collaborate across neighborhoods to influence outcomes of key issues.

***AGENDA*** 7:02
Around the Room Introductions – Name, affiliation if any, and get-to-know
question: Did you make any new year’s resolutions?

Community Announcements – please share upcoming events of interest to
everyone or alerts of items that are upcoming to watch out for.

Focus Items for April 5
● Sound Transit Staff – Station Area Planning Updates
● SDOT Tribal Art proposal at Fauntleroy expressway columns
● Advocates for an ST3 West Seattle No-Build Option
Call for next meeting agenda items and any last-minute items

Future Agenda items
Reconnect South Park Maria Ramirez
Upcoming meeting facilitators
Date 2024 Facilitator
Feb 7 – Email only Send your announcements to Larry
March 6 – In Person Location to be determined
April 3 – Zoom only Zoom meeting from 7-9 pm

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