Amateur Radio Technician Licensing Class (Level 1) starts

November 2, 2019 @ 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
South Seattle College
6000 16th SW
West Seattle

Amateur Radio Technician Licensing (level 1) Class
sponsored by the West Seattle Amateur Radio Club, Seattle Office of Emergency Management, and Seattle Auxiliary Communications Service and hosted by South Seattle College

Here is information on the upcoming Amateur Radio Technician class for the entry level FCC Amateur Radio license. Class size will be limited to 22 for better instructor-student interaction, so register early online at: . A confirmation email and the attached information PDF will be sent those registering. For those who want more information on amateur radio go to For detailed information on the class see the attached PDF.

When: Sat, Nov 2, 2019: 9am – 5pm (presentations)
Sun, Nov 3, 2019: 9am – 5pm (presentations)
Sat, Nov 9, 2019: 9am – 5pm (demos, scenarios)
Sun, Nov 10, 2019 3pm – 5pm (examination)

Where: South Seattle College, Olympic Room 202, 6000 16th Ave SW

Cost: $15 fee for exam (cash or check). No fee for class.

Book: ARRL License Manual, level 1 (Technician), 4th edition (2018 – 2022). Also available on Kindle.

Register at:

Description: Ham radio is a great hobby and a great way to serve the community. One can communicate locally, around the world or even via satellite. It provides an excellent means of emergency communication. Your license never expires as long as you renew every 10 years (no need for another exam). We intend this to be a fun, low-key, learning experience. We encourage class participation and asking questions. However, we will not call on individual students during class so that you can feel free to participate at your comfort level. We will present the conceptual material during the first weekend so you can study efficiently during the following week. Practical scenarios and demonstrations will be presented on the next Saturday. You are not required to take the exam on the last day if you feel you need more time to study. Note that a General Class (level 2) course is being given immediately after this class. You may register for both and must do this online. is an excellent source for free ham radio flash cards, practice tests, and question pools.

Questions: David Hillier at

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