Today we’re welcoming a new West Seattle Blog sponsor, Equilibrium Fitness in South Admiral, offering a deal via this WSB coupon. Here’s what proprietors Dominick Viscardi and Thomas Alexander would like you to know about their business:
When you first come to Equilibrium Fitness, you’ll get a total evaluation. It can – but doesn have to – include an orthopedic check, and a general once-over. You’ll be asked questions including what your goals are and what medical history you have, and Equilibrium Fitness can create and adjust a workout program from there. They will be able to tailor your workout so it doesn’t stress out your system – they will see what kind of load your body can handle. The goal is to help you become more fit – not to “go for the burn” as is the case with some trainers and regimes, which can happen if they don’t do what Equilibrium Fitness does – get to know you and your overall fitness condition.
They will help you attain realistic goals based on their interaction with you. Have a past injury, an area of your body you want to make sure doesn’t get re-injured or overly stressed? Equilibrium Fitness will work to make sure it’s protected, as you work on getting more fit. They also offer massage therapy. And Dominick is C.H.E.K.-certified.
Use this coupon for 30 days of unlimited classes when you sign up for monthly membership at Equilibrium Fitness, a member of the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce, is at 3270 California SW, online at eqfitness.net, and on Facebook here.
We thank Equilibrium Fitness for sponsoring independent, community-collaborative neighborhood news via WSB; see our current sponsor team listed in directory format here, and find info on joining the team by going here.