(Published on Flickr by Snohomish County government, taken during 10:37 am moment of silence today)
Some businesses and organizations have started already – we hear the West Seattle Eagles‘ dinner tonight was a sellout! – but tomorrow’s the big day for the WS4OSO (West Seattle for Oso) peninsula-wide benefit. The idea came from fabled fundraiser Tracy Dart just a few days ago and the list of participants has continued to grow – now more than 40! A caveat – there is no single pledge such as “x percent of proceeds,” so you will find each individual business/group doing something different; that’s how a grass-roots movement rolls. Where available, we’re noting what they’ve said they’re doing – most of the information is from the official WS4OSO Facebook page; some has been e-mailed, tweeted, or shared via WSB comments:
West 5
Beveridge Place Pub (see info on Twitter)
Cherry Consignment
Prost West Seattle
Meander’s Kitchen
West Seattle Runner
Shockwave Tees
Lika Love Fashion (truck @ Hotwire 10 am-3 pm)
Mind Unwind
Tully’s Coffee
Christo’s on Alki
The Bridge
Hotwire Coffee (special caramel-raspberry latté with 100 percent of sales donated on Sunday)
Fashion Bar (details in this WSB comment)
Hands to Paws Massage
Pet Elements
Click! Design That Fits (donating part of proceeds, plus hosting artist Stephanie Hargrave, whose family lost a cabin and who is donating all sales)
Corner Pocket
Menashe & Sons Jewelers
Forsythe Studio
West Seattle Bowl (part of the proceeds from Friday night event)
Talarico’s Pizzeria
West Seattle Eagles (benefit dinner earlier tonight; bands and karaoke as the evening goes on)
The Cask
VAIN (25% of retail sales on Sunday)
AmyWorks, Inc.
Chelan Cafe (matching donations, plus a Sunday barbecue, see “events” below)
Marination ma kai (donating proceeds from food sales 3-6 pm Sunday)
Second Gear Sports
Next to Nature
West Seattle Rolfing (details in this WSB comment)
Wilridge Winery (at WS Farmers’ Market)
Jan’s Beauty Supply (not open Sunday but collecting donations before/after)
West Seattle Farmers Market (corner of California & Alaska)
10 am – 2 pm
Collecting donations; FREE coffee provided by Tully’s
Chelan Cafe EbbTide Room
BBQ from 2 – 4 pm
(100% proceeds from the BBQ goes to the cause)
Monday (received via e-mail):
At The Center for Movement & Healing, we will be having a Dance and Donate Nia class on Monday, March 31st at 6:30 pm; located above Swedish Automotive at 7901 35th Ave SW.
We’ll hotlink the participants’ names by the time we publish tomorrow’s “OK, the big day is here” list, in case you don’t know where to find anyone who’s mentioned above. Again, the official page is facebook.com/ws4oso. We’ll see you around on Sunday!