West Seattle police 1890 results

West Seattle Crime Watch: The case of the located laptops

Southwest Precinct Sgt. Jeff Durden shared this story at last night’s West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meeting: The burglary unit investigated a case back in late July in which uninvited guests showed up for a party, and “three laptops and some purses” disappeared as a result. One month later, investigators got a call from a B.C.-based company called Absolute Software, described by Sgt. Durden as “a LoJack device you can purchase, software to track your laptop” in case of theft. Seems at least one of the stolen laptops had been tracked to Mitchell, South Dakota, 1,470 miles away:

View Larger Map

The address first traced to a computer-repair shop, but instead, the laptops turned out to be in an apartment above that shop – where a new tenant happened to be from Seattle. A search warrant was obtained and stolen laptops were recovered. “I’m not necessarily recommending (Absolute),” Sgt. Durden concluded, “but in this case it sure worked.” And as he pointed out (borne out by our West Seattle Crime Watch archives too), laptops are an extremely popular target for burglars and other thieves. (Still more to come from last night’s meeting, including the Gang Unit sergeant’s briefing.)

Crime Watch followup: Details on Alki shots-fired arrests

You might remember the Alki incident Sunday night — shots fired, nobody hit, somebody nabbed shortly thereafter. Tonight at the West Seattle Crime Prevention Council‘s monthly meeting at the Southwest Precinct, Sgt. Jeff Durden shared a few more details — Two suspects were arrested, “white males in their 20s” in a silver Lexus with Oregon plates, armed with a Glock; Sgt. Durden added that “five shell casings” were found near Spud, but reiterated nobody hit, no property damage either. (Two more reports still to come from tonight’s meeting – the amazing tale of how a laptop theft got solved, plus Gang Unit Sgt. Jim Dyment’s guest appearance.)

Why traffic enforcement matters (and how to reduce the need)

As was evidenced again in the discussion after the 35th/Juneau crash the other day (original coverage here, followup here; today’s update here), there are many things that could be done to make our roads safer. But there’s no arguing that some of the responsibility lies with all of us as drivers. To that point, Lt. Steve Paulsen at the Southwest Precinct wanted to share these thoughts (and some info):

I regularly receive a varying mix of opinions from our community in regard to value of traffic enforcement and its overall importance to public safety/saving lives.

In the last week since school has started, I have noticed an increase in traffic collisions. Most are due to speed or just not paying attention to driving, i.e. … cellphones, GPS navigation screens, DVD players, reading the paper, putting on makeup, shaving, eating…

I attend a number of community meetings from every part of our fine West Seattle community. The single most common complaint the Seattle Police Department receives from each neighborhood is traffic-related. We are fortunate to have regular assistance in West Seattle from our Traffic Section, who have City-wide responsibility in patrolling our neighborhoods to ensure traffic and pedestrian safety.

I realize that our citizens are very busy and with the advent of technology, they have become increasingly distracted while driving.

To my fellow West Seattle folks….Please slow down and pay attention when you are driving. School has started, we have children walking around…We have more people riding bicycles and motorcycles, which as you know are difficult to see at times. Anticipate each intersection, whether controlled or not, as a potential accident location…Keep an eye out for pedestrians and joggers who may be hooked into their iPods and not paying attention to traffic…

Here are a few of our regularly enforced areas … No surprises here! We would much rather have you slow down than to have to write the citations.

All School zones during school hours
West Seattle Freeway
Admiral Way
35th Ave SW
Fauntleroy SW
16th Ave SW
Highland Park Dr
Delridge SW
1st Ave S near the bridge
SW Roxbury

Thanks again, please be safe out there and watch out for each other!


Lieutenant Steven Paulsen
Seattle Police
SW Precinct

P.S. We originally drafted this early today, before hearing from Denise Sharify re: the 35th/Juneau accident survivor (as we reported this afternoon, she’s out of the hospital). Denise is hoping to work with the High Point Neighborhood Association to revive the High Point-specific Pedestrian Safety Committee that worked on many issues in recent months, some of which have been addressed with city responses such as the new 35th/Raymond light upgrade and the 34th/Morgan crosswalk.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Beach Drive burglary, arrest

Heading back to WSB HQ a few hours ago after the Alki Statue of Liberty Plaza ceremony, we spotted three Seattle Police cars rushing from Fauntleroy to northbound California, with rollers and sirens; we lost track of them, and couldn’t pick up anything obvious from the scanner, so later when we ran into Lt. Steve Paulsen on Alki, we asked what that call was about – he didn’t have tons of details but said it was a burglar “on Beach Drive” and “we got him.” Then a bit later, we got the rest of the story in this note from Megan:

Around 2:25 this afternoon I came home to a very panicked neighbor on her cellphone. She walked in on a well-dressed 5’8ish African American robbing her. This was in the middle of a Saturday afternoon. In a secure condo building. Luckily, a nice husband and wife heard her yelling for help and came to her aid. The African American ran down Beach Drive. The husband in pursuit. As she was on the phone with 911, a cop drove by, who she flagged down. A description was given. I had a friend I was meeting down on Alki and it looked as if they had arrested a suspect by 2:40 p.m. Great Job, SPD! I did want to give a heads up to everyone though, considering that this was in the middle of a Saturday afternoon. I would have never thought such a thing would happen like that.

P.S. To be a little more specific about the location – this happened around the 4200 block of Beach Drive.

Crime/safety update for south WS, including some good news

August 29, 2008 10:32 am
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Some of what was discussed at last night’s South Delridge/White Center Community Safety Coalition meeting will be of interest to anyone living/working in south West Seattle – including some good news about ongoing issues in the area — so we’d like to point you to the full report we have just posted on partner site White Center Now; you can read it here.

Community Police Team update: Back to regular roles “next week”

We’ll be posting a few updates from tonight’s South Delridge/White Center Community Safety meeting, both here and at partner site White Center Now; because of the area covered by that meeting, law enforcers from both the Seattle Police Southwest Precinct and the King County Sheriff’s Office attend. One major update tonight came from SW Precinct Lt. Steve Paulsen: He says the Community Police Team officers (meet them here) will be back to normal duties “next week.” You may recall, the precinct’s been dealing with personnel challenges mostly caused by officer injuries, and Lt. Paulsen announced in late July that the CPT officers would have to move to patrol duty, though they would continue to work in their usual areas; he said at the time that this situation was likely to last “a month to a month and a half,” and it’ll be right in that time frame when they return to normal duties next week.

Full list of Seattle Police Department’s citizen honorees

August 21, 2008 10:30 pm
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We told you about the big event the other night, but never did get around to asking for an electronic copy of the full recipient list. The P-I has put one up tonight, along with capsule descriptions of everyone’s achievements, and it’s pretty cool to read; check it out here. (Also includes one West Seattle recipient we missed in our report: Carol Madaio, who found a lost child on a busy WS street.) The event’s organizer, Cathy Wenderoth (who is a West Seattleite too!), kindly sent our official photo too; it’s now on our About page.

Alki alert: Shoremont sign says police to train there tomorrow


The first tip came from a post in the Alki Beach Community Yahoo! group, after someone spotted that sign on the front doors at the vacant (demolition permit still pending) Shoremont at 57th and Alki. And behind the building, police tape is up:


We’ve been trying since last night to find out exactly what kind of training you’re likely to see there tomorrow; it’s not being coordinated from the Southwest Precinct, as our contacts there didn’t know, but were trying to find out. So for now, in case you are in the area tomorrow and happen to see a heavy police presence, we thought we’d at least pass on the news about the posted signs. (The Fire Department uses vacant buildings too, as this webpage reminds us.) 7 PM UPDATE: Just heard back from the precinct – it’s tactical training: “Washington State Tactical Officers Association is conducting training at this site tomorrow. The training is being sponsored by SPD SWAT.”

West Seattle Crime Prevention Council: Updates from last night

August 20, 2008 12:05 pm
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We weren’t sure whether to chuckle or cry when we found out last night’s Seattle Police Department Citizen Appreciation Awards event would keep us from visiting the Southwest Precinct to personally report on the West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meeting, which we consider a monthly must-cover. Luckily, we were able to draft previous WSB contributor Evan Baumgardner into service for the occasion – and he brought back important info, including an update on a recent business break-in, other West Seattle crime trends, and a request for ideas from YOU – here’s his report:Read More

West Seattleites honored at SPD Citizen Appreciation Awards

That short video clip shows Cindi Barker, of Morgan Community Association and so many other endeavors, accepting a Seattle Police Department Citizen Appreciation Award from Police Chief Gil Kerlikowske tonight at City Hall (and toward the end of the clip, you see Mark Howard from the Emergency Preparedness Bureau). Cindi was honored for her tireless emergency-preparedness work, from the West Seattle-wide preparedness meeting in summer 2007, to the neighborhood-meeting-place events this spring/summer). Cindi was one of six West Seattleites (by our count) receiving the annual awards tonight, including your WSB co-publishers, and there were dozens more from around the city, including some with amazing stories:Read More

Video, more photos: Picnic at the (Southwest) Precinct

We showed you a couple photos while Picnic at the Precinct was in full swing Saturday afternoon – but that was just in-progress coverage, for anyone checking here who hadn’t been yet. Today, the full report.


First – you see his name here all the time – but we don’t recall having shown you a photo before – that’s Southwest Precinct Lt. Steve Paulsen at right, with Segway-riding traffic-enforcement officer L. James, who explained the two-wheelers are not just used because they’re cool:

Her face-painting, by the way (which was offered free to picnicgoers), said ‘Beep-Beep.’ Of course.

The event really was all about people – and your chance to meet the ones who work hard to keep you safe – better to meet them, oh, say, handing out free ice cream, than showing up in your neighborhood chasing baddies:


That’s Officer Brian Ballew from the Community Police Team. It was a perfect day for ice cream, but the nearby hot dogs tasted pretty good too (or so the Junior Member of the Team tells us). More pictures, including the Arson Bomb Squad robot unit, ahead:Read More

More of what’s happening now: Precinct Picnic; frosty freebies


You see them sometimes at Alki – and they’re headquartered right here in West Seattle, at Westcrest Park – today, two members of the Seattle Police Mounted Patrol are at the Picnic at the (Southwest) Precinct, continuing through 4 pm. We have LOTS more photos and video to share with you in a separate report later, but in case you check in online before then and you haven’t been – there are also free treats (hot dogs, ice cream) in the precinct parking lot, which is off-camera to the right of this shot showing the setup running along Webster westbound from Delridge:


Cool robots, a Segway, and lots more – Delridge and Webster, park in Home Depot and walk over. While heading home, we passed the intersection of 16th SW/Holden and had to pull over when we saw these folks handing out free samples:


That’s Jodi Robbins, Pinky the dog mostly hiding behind the sample tray, Darlene, and Jodi’s husband from JoJo’s Fine Espresso at 16th/Holden. They just put their blended-iced-drink setup into action, so they’ve got a tropical setup at the corner and trays of free samples. Not sure how long they’ll be out – we were there around 2:30.

Picnic at the Precinct: Today’s the day

August 16, 2008 8:38 am
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Fun, food, free. Also a traffic note — Webster is shut down on the south side of the precinct (Delridge westward) for this event (here’s a map to Delridge/Webster).

Southwest Precinct Public Safety Newsletter: Read it here

blockpartysign.jpgThe final record-setting tally for registered Night Out block-party events in West Seattle last week (WSB coverage here and here): 217. That’s just part of what’s in Southwest Precinct crime prevention coordinator Benjamin Kinlow‘s latest public-safety newsletter, along with more details on what you’ll see at this Saturday’s Picnic at the Precinct (1-4 pm, be there!), and an item of interest for people with home alarm systems. Read the newsletter here.

Crime Watch reader report with a happy ending

This one’s from South Park, but that area is handled by West Seattle-based police from the Southwest Precinct, so we thought you might be interested: Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: Explosive attack this morning

Got a note from Laura in Highland Park wondering about an loud explosion-type sound that rattled her windows around midnight. Checked with the Southwest Precinct, which quickly provided this info: Somebody set off an explosive device in the backyard of a home in the 7700 block of 13th SW (map). “Shrapnel” from the explosion broke a window at the house; no injuries reported. The bomb squad was called out, and determined the device was made from “sparklers, ceramic, and duct tape.” The victims told police they don’t have kids who might have been involved in a prank like that, and have no idea who might have done it.

West Seattle Crime Watch: From the police-report files

August 12, 2008 3:29 pm
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We’re still combing through the past week or so of reports filed and approved at the Southwest Precinct – read on for the noteworthy cases we’ve seen so far:Read More

Picnic @ the Precinct: Your next chance to meet local law enforcers

Hot off the presses (and out of the pixels), the poster for Picnic at the Precinct, 1-4 pm Saturday 8/16 – if you’re having a block party tonight, make sure everybody knows this is coming up!


We got some fun pix at last year’s Picnic at the Precinct (kids and robots!); see them here.

Update: Loud noise in eastern West Seattle explained

Followup on this item from this morning: Just got the scoop from Lt. Steve Paulsen at the Southwest Precinct — although this was a county investigation, he notes (so we will check with King County Sheriff’s Office to see if there’s a news release with more info) — as part of a multiple-location drug raid, a “high-risk entry” had to be made, involving the SWAT team and devices known as “flashbangs” designed to make noise catching the suspects/targets by surprise. Again, SPD doesn’t have full details since they weren’t the lead agency, but apparently all went well. 4:54 PM UPDATE: Just heard back from Sgt. John Urquhart, who handles media for KCSO. He says:

… there were two drug search warrants served simultaneously this morning shortly after 5:00 AM. One was a house in the 23800 block of 140th Ave SE, Kent. The other was in the 7000 block of 16th Ave SW. There were arrests made … SPD SWAT helped on the 16th SW house, and our SWAT helped with the house in Kent. Occupants of both houses were expected to be “armed and dangerous”, but no shots were fired and no one was injured.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Ferry-line cutting triggers gun scare

Thanks to Anne at Ventana Construction (WSB sponsor) and to Darren, who both e-mailed to ask about police action in Fauntleroy last night. handcuffs_2.jpgTurns out it was an arrest at the ferry terminal; thanks to Southwest Precinct Lt. Steve Paulsen for a quick response with info: The call first came in around 9 pm as “a man with a gun menacing people in the ferry line. Police rushed to the terminal (5 or so cars, by both accounts) and found out it was actually a woman, who had a .380 in her car. According to police, it started “when (she) cut into the ferry lane and was kicked out of place by employees. The suspect then pointed her loaded pistol at a nearby car containing 2 adults and 2 small children. The victims feared for their lives and ducked. Nobody was injured.” Officers took the woman to the King County Jail, where she was booked for investigation of assault. (The jail register shows one person booked late last night for that potential charge, a 47-year-old from Vashon.)

West Seattle Crime Watch: Watchdog woes, and more

From reports filed at the Southwest Precinct in the past several days (downloaded last night so we haven’t seen the very newest ones yet): handcuffs_2.jpgWe start with somebody taking on trouble in his neighborhood – and getting trouble in return: In the 5600 block of SW Teig around 9:20 pm Saturday night, a man in his 50s told police he had seen teenagers using drugs and urinating in the street near his home, so he started taking pictures of them and their VW Rabbit with his cell-phone camera. They told him to stop; he didn’t, and he told police one of them “jumped on him” and scratched his face. The report says officers couldn’t see any visible injuries but a witness confirmed the attack; it also says they advised the man to call police next time rather than trying to take matters into his own hands, but he wasn’t very receptive to that advice. More summarized reports ahead, including a bartender attacked while working and an alert business owner helping bust up a possible underground burglary attempt:Read More

Update: Police Appreciation Day “exceeded expectations”


That’s what organizers told us when we returned to the Southwest Precinct tonight during the final half-hour of the first-ever Police Appreciation Day organized by the West Seattle Crime Prevention Council — by then, the board you see above was covered with dozens and dozens of handmade thank-you notes and cards (we photographed it in the early going, for our first report). Organizers’ running count tallied up more than 170 people participating in the daylong event — some of course were the appreciation recipients themselves:


Community appreciation is also well-deserved by the organizers – including leaders of the WSCPC, whose president Dot Beard (below left) took a moment to pose for us with Seattle Neighborhood Group staff liaison, Jennifer Duong:


WSCPC vice president Kay Newton worked hard to line up sponsors/donors to make this a festive event with everything from food and beverages to fun kid stuff, enjoyed by young visitors including these (thanks to Kacy for these next two photos):



Those with a few more years in the rear-view mirror made cards and shared sentiments – from serious to whimsical:



This event was in lieu of the Crime Prevention Council’s regular meeting for July – they’ll be back in session August 19th. Two other related events in the meantime: Night Out August 5 (register your block party here, so you can close off your street!) and Picnic at the Precinct August 16.

First update: Precinct pix from Police Appreciation Day


In the community room at the Southwest Precinct, that’s the big sign you can attach a card or note to (or just sign another one nearby) during Police Appreciation Day today — organized by the West Seattle Crime Prevention Council — continuing till 8 pm tonight. Free food, too:


A long list of West Seattle businesses and other community members donated food and beverages for the occasion, from Bakery Nouveau to Casa Feliz and beyond (we’ll publish the whole list a bit later) – it’s being rotated in and out throughout the day; we just had lunch before visiting an hour or so ago, or else we could have dined quite royally. Activities for the family, too:


That’s Kathleen Voss from Highland Park helping her three-and-a-half-year-old daughter Gretchen with the kids’ art supplies that are set up on a table at the event – here’s one creation Gretchen produced already:


Kathleen says Gretchen described that as “a police car with the woo-woo lights.” It’s a relaxed atmosphere at Police Appreciation Day – you can go into the community room from either door facing the parking lot on the southwest side of the building (Delridge/Webster; here’s a map) — still not sure where you’re going? Here’s the precinct sign at that corner (look for that little handmade sign shown at the right side of the photo, with a balloon attached; there’s one at the parking lot entrance too):


Till 8 pm tonight – drop by. You never know who you’ll meet; the precinct’s Crime Prevention community liaison Benjamin Kinlow (who helps set up Block Watch groups and is currently working on Night Out – coming up 8/5; go here to register your block party!) was mingling when we were there, along with community members and the Crime Prevention Council’s staff liaison from Seattle Neighborhood Group, Jennifer Duong, plus her predecessor in that role, Lois Grammon-Simpson. We’ll be checking back later for another report.