ELECTION 2024: Three more days to vote!

checkbox.jpgTuesday night is the deadline for getting your primary ballot in, but so far, only 15.5% of Seattle ballots have arrived back at King County Elections. That’s slightly above the countywide 15.3% turnout. As we noted when ballots were mailed out in mid-July, voters in West Seattle will see 14 races – U.S. Senate, U.S. House District 7, Governor (28 candidates!), Lt. Governor, Secretary of State, State Treasurer, State Auditor, State Attorney General, State Commissioner of Public Lands, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, State Insurance Commissioner, State House Representative Positions 1 and 2 (two candidates each, so they all advance to November), State Supreme Court Justice Position 2, and Seattle City Council citywide Position 8. (The West Seattle Democratic Women hosted a forum in June with four of the five council candidates; here’s our coverage, with video.)

If you’re going to mail in your ballot, get it to the U.S. Postal Service in time to be postmarked by Tuesday (August 6); if you’re using a county dropbox, get it into one by 8 pm (sharp!) Tuesday. Remember that West Seattle now has four, with the newly opened Morgan Junction dropbox (by Morgan Junction Park) – High Point Library, The Junction, and South Seattle College (WSB sponsor) – exact locations here. If you’re in east or south West Seattle, the South Park or White Center library boxes might be more convenient. If you need accessibility assistance to complete a ballot, the county’s “vote centers” will be open Monday and Tuesday. Those are also the places where you can register if you’re not registered yet. The first ballot count will be released around 8:15 pm Tuesday.

4 Replies to "ELECTION 2024: Three more days to vote!"

  • waikikigirl August 4, 2024 (6:18 am)

    28 candidates running for Governor, has there ever been this many at one time ?

    • Jeff August 4, 2024 (9:36 am)

      28 candidates, and two of them even have a chance of winning!

      • waikikigirl August 4, 2024 (10:03 am)

        πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™€οΈ I do believe you are correct Jeff! ☺️

    • Catsrule August 4, 2024 (10:36 am)

      There is also a cat running for Governor.  Vote for Megan! The future is Meow!   https://x.com/megansophie2024

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