West Seattle police 1916 results

Update: “Jason McKissack bill” gets a State Senate hearing Monday

February 19, 2010 5:15 pm
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More than two weeks have passed since the State House of Representatives approved SHB 1679, known as the Jason McKissack Bill, after the now-former Seattle Police officer who has been unable to work since a vicious attack while on the job in West Seattle a year and a half ago, and is losing insurance coverage as a result. We just got word from law-enforcement advocate Renee Maher that they’re hoping for another show of support – like the one that turned out for the bill’s first major hearing on January 25 (photo right) – when the bill gets a public hearing next Monday in the State Senate Ways and Means Committee. She says the hearing’s set for 3:30 pm Monday, Room 4 in the Cherberg Building, and: “We’d love to have everyone down there supporting Jason and his family!” (The Senate is where last year’s version of this bill stalled, so support there could be even more important than the support showed while it was going through the House. It’s one of the topics likely to come up when 34th District legislators – State Sen. Joe McDermott and State Reps. Eileen Cody and Sharon Nelson – hold a Town Hall at High Point Community Center tomorrow, Saturday 2/20, 11 am.)

“Hero Memorial Workout” honoring Officer Brenton, this Sunday

Just before 11 this morning, we sent this out in our “Announcements” stream as well as Facebook and Twitter, right after SPDBlotter announced it. But in case you hadn’t seen it any of those ways, we want to be sure you see it here on the home page, too: CrossFit West Seattle (42nd/Admiral) will be hosting a Hero Memorial Workout” on Sunday, in honor of SPD Officer Tim Brenton, the West Seattle High School graduate murdered in the line of duty last Halloween night. CFWS’s Eric Renn says this is “a CrossFit tradition when one of our members or their family members dies in the line of duty). … Unfortunately, the officer that died (Tim Brenton) was the brother of two of our dedicated gym members. We have created a workout that will be held in his honor which was requested by his family.” It’s a fundraiser for the Behind the Badge Foundation, according to SPDBlotter, $20/person if you want to join the workout (and that’ll get you a memorial T-shirt as well), spectators/well-wishers are welcome too! 3 pm Sunday, CrossFit West Seattle.

Search for a new Seattle Police chief: Seeking your feedback

The city has just added a few new facets to the search for the next Seattle Police chief – including three public forums (none in West Seattle), a new website (here), and the chance for you to answer four key questions from the mayor, online or by phone if you can’t make the forums – read on for the official announcement:Read More

“Jason McKissack Act” passes State House unanimously

That’s the word from West Seattle Rep. Eileen Cody. While we went to Olympia for last week’s public hearing on the bill, EHB 1679, which would prevent catastrophically injured public-safety personnel like former Southwest Precinct SPD Officer Jason McKissack from losing health benefits, we weren’t able to go to today’s vote, but Rep. Cody sent word on the results. Next stop: The State Senate. Last year it made it through the House but stalled in the Senate; if you want to express your opinion, State Sen. Joe McDermott represents our area; his contact info is here. ADDED 5:27 PM: The Seattle Police Guild has just sent a news release with more info – read on to see it:Read More

What all those police cars are doing at 35th/Fauntleroy

(Photo added 12:17 am, thanks to Katie for sharing it)
11:50 PM: An allegedly drunk driver has been stopped after reportedly speeding westbound on The Bridge. It all started on The Viaduct, according to a tweet from @SeaCrime – we came in on the scanner traffic toward the end. A fire unit’s being called in to check on the driver’s condition. We’ve received multiple calls/notes/tweets about the major police response – thanks! 12:17 AM: Added a photo taken by Katie, who says the driver was in a maroon Subaru that “spun around,” apparently after a certain technique was deployed by officers to stop it. She was close enough to hear the driver – who is on the ground by the officers in the background – say slowly, “I….was….trying to find…a place to…PARK it.”

State House vote set for “Jason McKissack Act” – and other bills

January 29, 2010 2:09 pm
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(From left, Kim and Jason McKissack, Renee Maher, in Olympia Monday)
Just in from Renee Maher of COMPAS, a law-enforcement-advocacy group:

We’ve been told that some very important bills for law enforcement and firefighters will be voted on the House Floor on Wednesday, February 3. The House Floor session is scheduled to start at 10:00 but the bills may not be heard until closer to 10:30.

The House gallery is open to the public and we are particularly inviting families of fallen officers (both past and recent), law enforcement officers and firefighters. There will be an honor guard procession as well.

Among the bills being heard is HB 2519 (expanding benefits for the families of officers and firefighters killed in the line of duty) and EHB 1679 (the Jason McKissack Act).

Monday, we went to Olympia to cover the House Ways and Means public hearing on EHB 1679 (WSB coverage here); the next day, the committee unanimously voted to advance it to a vote in the full House. If you’re just coming in on the story – this dates back to the attack on then-Officer McKissack in summer 2008, in which he was kicked in the face while responding to a call of someone in trouble, kicked so hard he suffered brain damage from which he hasn’t recovered enough to return to any kind of work; the city has let him go, and that meant benefits ended for him and his family. Meantime, if you want to tell your State House reps what you think about EHB 1679, they are Rep. Eileen Cody (who voted for it in Ways and Means on Tuesday) and Rep. Sharon Nelson – each of their names is linked to contact info.

From partner site White Center Now: 2 stories of change

If you’re in western West Seattle, Officer Adonis Topacio is likely your Community Police Team officer; and now, taking over much of the Southwest Precinct‘s eastern zone, the CPT Officer is Jill Vanskike. Both were at last night’s South Delridge/White Center Community Safety Coalition meeting, along with other local law enforcers whose roles are changing; the full story’s on our partner site White Center Now. That’s also where you will find this brand-new update on a WC bar that’s changed hands, changed name and changed its atmosphere. (Any time you want to catch up on White Center news, you’ll get the latest WCN headlines by clicking on the WHITE CENTER tab below the sunset photo that’s atop every WSB page.)

Update: Legislative committee OKs EHB 1679

January 26, 2010 7:21 pm
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(Seattle Police Guild president Sgt. Rich O’Neill asking legislators Monday to “help the officer”)
EHB 1679 is the bill to help in cases like that of Jason McKissack, attacked while on duty as an SPD officer in West Seattle and losing medical benefits because he cannot return to work. One day after the hearing we covered in Olympia, law-enforcement advocate (and police widow) Renee Maher sends word the bill has been passed out of Ways and Means on a unanimous vote (including that of West Seattle Rep. Eileen Cody). 8:37 PM: The next steps for this bill aren’t posted on the legislative site yet, but we’re checking with Rep. Cody (who also e-mailed us news of the vote). WEDNESDAY UPDATE: The next step is a full State House vote. We’ll let you know when a date is set.

Happening now: Olympia hearing for bill to help injured officer

The House Ways and Means Committee has just opened its afternoon session. We are in their hearing room at the State Legislature with a huge turnout – triple digits for sure – to show support for one of the bills on the agenda, EHB 1679, which would cover catastrophically injured public-safety personnel and their families with benefits – the benefits that are being lost by Officer Jason McKissack, unable to return to work since being attacked while on a West Seattle call a year and a half ago. We will report from the hearing as we can – you also can watch on TVW cable/online. We’re sitting next to Seattle Police Guild reps who say they’ve heard from a lot of people supporting the bill who heard about it through WSB; legislators reportedly have been getting plenty of calls too.

3:57 PM: That’s the committee – back row in red is West Seattle Rep. Eileen Cody. Officials of other state public-safety unions and advocacy groups are speaking right now. Before them, a pension-fund official who spoke of how the bill was changed after it failed to win approval last year; now the funds bear the brunt of the costs. They’re all also talking about how rare “catastrophic disability” really is.

4:04 PM: Rich O’Neill of the Seattle Police Guild has just told the committee the story of what happened to Officer McKissack, who is here today and planning to testify. He concluded with a plea to the committee to “help the officer” – a call that is taken deeply seriously when it goes out over the police radio – “be their backup, pass this bill.”

(From left, Kim and Jason McKissack, Renee Maher)
4:20 PM: Jason and Kim McKissack both have just testified – Kim, tearfully, talking about how their lives were changed, and how can you make the choice between food/clothing and medical insurance? (video added 6:09 pm)

She also said her husband still wants nothing more than to “go out and get the bad guys … but he can’t.” Now, also emotionally, law enforcement advocate Renee Maher is speaking, sitting next to the McKissacks; she is the widow of Federal Way Officer Patrick Maher, killed in the line of duty in the early 00s.

4:23 PM: The public hearing has just concluded. The committee is moving on to testimony on other bills, but first, they asked everyone from public safety who came here for support to stand – those who stood were applauded by the rest of the room. We’ll add a few photos in a moment, and video in a bit. We also will be checking to find out what happens next – when there might be a decision on whether to schedule a vote on the bill.

8:48 PM NOTE: We’re told the bills that had public hearings today are all tentatively scheduled for discussion in “executive session” tomorrow – that’s where legislators talk about which bills are ready to potentially come up with votes. So we’ll keep an eye on it (which you can do through this link) for followups.

Today/tonight: Water Taxi fares, officer benefits, ArtsWest freebie

SEAWALL, DELRIDGE SKATEPARK $ AND “DO NOT MAIL” @ COUNCIL: During the Seattle City Council‘s 9:30 am briefing time, Mayor Mike McGinn talks about his proposed property-tax measure to replace the Alaskan Way seawall. During the 2 pm meeting, they’ll take a final vote on Delridge Skatepark funding, plus consider the resolution asking the state to back a “do-not-mail registry.” Agenda here; it’ll all be live on Seattle Channel (cable 21 or online).

WATER TAXI FARES: The new fare schedule outlined here comes up for a public hearing this afternoon at 1:30 before the King County Ferry District board (aka King County Councilmembers), County Courthouse downtown.

OFFICER-BENEFITS BILL: As discussed in coverage of the case of injured-and-losing-benefits Officer Jason McKissack, EHB 1679 comes up for a hearing in the state House Ways and Means Committee in Olympia, 3:30 pm today (scheduled to be live on TVW).

ARTSWEST FREEBIE: Before the Seattle premiere of “Love Song opens Wednesday, get behind-the-scenes insight tonight, free, in the On Stage format, 7:30 pm, ArtsWest in The Junction.

Special Olympics Polar Plunge at Alki, report #2: The results!

(Our first Sunday report with other Polar Plunge video and photos is here)

As you saw in our first report about this morning’s Special Olympics Polar Plunge at Alki, there was a big law-enforcement contingent among the 350 people organizers say signed up – and that video shows them as the first group to dash into the 45-degree water. (At center, the Southwest Precinct’s commander, Capt. Joe Kessler, next to acting SPD Chief John Diaz – other law-enforcement luminaries who were on hand are shown in our first report. After plunging, Capt. Kessler pronounced the water “perfectly balmy.”) Tonight, Mary Do from Special Olympics reported in this WSB comment that the event raised $30,000. Also tonight, Chief Sealth’s Polar Plungers, who won the Spirit Award, are challenging any and all other high schools to “come try to take it away next year,” according to Michael Bunch, who shared this photo of the whole group afterward:

We had photographed Sealth athletic director Sam Reed with the trophy close-up – read on to see that photo and a few more we wanted to share before this event’s in the books:Read More

Helping Officer McKissack: Big show of support @ Goldie’s benefit

Story, photos and video by Keri DeTore
Reporting for West Seattle Blog

Hosted and organized by Willie Murderface, the Saturday night fundraiser at Goldie’s for Officer Jason McKissack — injured while on duty in West Seattle—attracted supporters including Officer McKissack’s wife Kim, police from several precincts, and West Seattle businesspeople like Full Tilt Ice Cream‘s Justin Cline and Jessie SK from Skylark Cafe and Club (WSB sponsor).

4:16 am update – Willie reports via Facebook: “Between the 160 Joe Mullis raised [Wednesday at Yen Wor], the 190 that Goldie’s donated, 170 from my wage, 100 from cash donations, and the 780 from the raffle (that wouldn’t have been anywhere near what it was without help from Tracy Dart and Justin Cline), we raised 1400 dollars for Officer Jason McKissack and his family.”

Asked about his motivation for producing this fundraiser, Willie says: “I went home that Sunday night and read about (Officer McKissack’s denial of benefits) on the blog. It hit me because it happened while he was protecting West Seattle.†Willie is a lifelong West Seattle resident, and both he and his mother are West Seattle High School graduates. “I proclaimed myself Mayor of West Seattle and decided it was my civic duty to do something.†He announced his plan here, the day before the news conference in which Officer McKissack, with wife Kim at his side and dozens of other officers presence for support, talked about what it was like to receive the recent letter saying he was no longer with the department because he hadn’t recovered enough to work:

Read More

From precinct to Plunge: West Seattle’s top cop tests the waters

So are you in for this Sunday’s Special Olympics of Washington Polar Plunge at Alki (with WSB among the co-sponsors)? Among those who already are – the man who leads the Seattle Police Department‘s Southwest Precinct here in West Seattle, Capt. Joe Kessler. We were there for the photo op at Alki this morning as he tested the waters, so to speak, for a last-minute promotional push. You can join Captain Kessler and hundreds of others on Sunday morning – 9 am registration (if you haven’t signed up online), 11 am Polar Plunge, festivities afterward. There’s a special connection for law enforcers and Special Olympic – the Law Enforcement Torch Run – so you’ll see other members of the law-enforcement community braving Elliott Bay on Sunday too. So how was the water today, you might ask?

47-degree water today, in case you were wondering.

What the police search in The Junction was about

January 20, 2010 10:13 pm
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Thanks to the texter who let us know about a sizable police response on the east side of The Junction – at the commercial building (check-cashing, car maintenance) at 40th/Alaska. Went over to check, at which time Ladder 11 joined the police, helping officers get up on the roof. Police told us multiple alarms had gone off in the building so they were searching – but hadn’t found anything/anyone yet. (We’ll check back.)

West Seattle Crime Prevention Council: New faces, new crime stats

If you think it’s been quieter lately on the crime front – in some categories of crime, yes, it has. After outgoing Southwest Precinct Operations Lt. Steve Paulsen (right) passed the torch to his successor Lt. Norm James (explanation in our January 8th report) at last night’s West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meeting, Lt. James ran down the state of the stats on the peninsula – noting that several categories of West Seattle crime are down. Also at the WSCPC meeting, other new faces in West Seattle crimefighting were introduced, officers/executive committee members were elected, and a Traffic Unit rep talked about red-light cams – all ahead:Read More

Southwest Precinct commander joins SPD Chief Search Committee

January 19, 2010 4:39 pm
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Noted in an update just received from Mayor McGinn‘s communications director Mark Matassa (a West Seattleite) – Southwest Precinct Captain Joe Kessler is now on the Police Chief Search Committee. (The update was primarily intended to announce that the committee’s next meeting is 5:30 pm tomorrow at SPD HQ downtown. Agenda here.) P.S. Side note – If you have crime concerns to bring to SW Precinct leadership, tonight’s your chance, as the West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meets at the precinct, 7 pm.

Officer McKissack speaks as police push for “catastrophic” benefits

1:10 PM: We are in SODO at Seattle Police Officers Guild HQ – with a room full of law enforcement officers from all over the area, and at the table in front of the room, former Southwest Precinct SPD Officer Jason McKissack (blue T-shirt), whose loss of medical benefits – since he cannot work following a vicious attack a year and a half ago – is triggering a campaign for legislation. Who else is here, is amazing. Officer Britt Sweeney, who survived the attack that killed SPD Officer Tim Brenton; Officer Brenton’s widow is here as well. “Call your legislators today,” Renee Maher, a law-enforcement advocate and police widow, is saying, re: HB 1679. 1:23 PM: Officer McKissack has just spoken. He says the city’s letter arrived just last Thursday, informing him of “medical separation,” and the hardest part was seeing his wife break down and cry. He also said it’s been tough to be off the job as he watched the recent officer murders – he feels like a “caged tiger,” wanting to do something: (video added 2:48 pm)

He also said the timing is unfortunate – he has found new medical treatment that may help him get better. Regarding the bill, advocates here say there are only six public-safety personnel statewide in the past 30-plus years who qualified as “catastrophically injured” and would be affected by this bill – Officer McKissack has not yet received that determination. (added 2 pm – his description of what he’s been coping with while trying to recover)

The Seattle Police Officers’ Guild also reiterates that they are accepting donations for his expenses through their fund. (The address is on this page on the SPOG site, with more information about the bill.) They also are “taking up other ideas on fundraising,” they say, and will have more on that in the weeks ahead. 5:30 PM UPDATE: Reminder, regarding fundraising: Two local karaoke hosts have stepped up for starters. Joe at Yen Wor announced on Facebook that he’s raising money for Officer McKissack’s fund Wednesday night at 9:30, and Willie Murderface announced in comments here last night that he is collecting for the fund this Saturday night at Goldie’s in Georgetown (WMF is a West Seattleite).

Followup: Helping injured West Seattle officer who’s losing benefits

Developments since we wrote Friday night about a tv story on Officer Jason McKissack facing the loss of medical benefits because injuries from the attack on him in West Seattle a year and a half ago have left him unable to return to work:

*We’ve heard twice from Renee Maher, executive director of the law-enforcement advocacy group COMPAS and also the widow of Federal Way Police Officer Patrick Maher, killed in the line of duty seven years ago. She had more to say about the legislation mentioned in the story (which stalled last year but has been reintroduced this session):

COMPAS has made HB 1679 our priority for this legislative session. While we fully support and agree with the legislation that helps families of fallen officers, we believe that helping officers like Jason McKissack is just as important. I was part of the effort that got legislation passed in 2006 that provided medical insurance for families of officers killed in the line of duty. Imagine my shock and disgust to learn that financially, an officer’s family is better off if the officer dies in the line of duty (versus being disabled).

HB 1679 will provide medical insurance to Jason and his family. It is very do-able to get this legislation passed this session. We just need to spread the word and have people call their legislators to support this bill.

As discussed in comments following last night’s story, the bill is currently in the Ways and Means Committee of the state House. West Seattle Rep. Eileen Cody is a member of that committee. We e-mailed Rep. Cody to ask about its status and what people could do to voice support. Her reply today:

To move forward we will need to vote it out of the Ways and Means Committee again. I will check with Rep Simpson to see if he is planning on pushing the issue again this year. Interested constituents should contact Ways and Means Committee members to encourage action. We would not have to have another hearing on the bill this year since we had one last year. The chair just has to decide to bring it up for a vote.

The Legislature’s website says the committee is chaired by North Sound Rep. Kelli Linville; she and other members are listed here, and you can follow the links for their contact info. To e-mail Rep. Cody, start here.

*Meantime, our second message from Renee Maher included word that the Seattle Police Officers’ Guild is now able to accept contributions for Officer McKissack’s medical fund:

2949 4th Ave South
Seattle, WA 98134
Subject line: Jason McKissack

There is also a link on the Seattle Police Guild website tonight with more info on the situation. Meantime, Q13 interviewed the McKissacks for a story aired tonight:

Injured West Seattle officer facing loss of medical benefits

We’d received a tip on this but hit a roadblock early on; Channel 4, however, got the story, and it’s an important one. You may remember Southwest Precinct Officer Jason McKissack, badly beaten while answering a call in High Point in 2008. We first reported the attack that June; later that month, a West Seattle community groundswell of support sent him get-well wishes. Then, one year after the attack, we were in the courtroom last June as his attackers were sentenced in an emotional hearing – no additional detention. Tonight, Channel 4 reported that doctors say Officer McKissack will never be able to go back to work; because of that, the station says, he is losing his medical benefits – apparently because of a state law that the Seattle Police Guild and some legislators are trying to change. Here’s the story they aired tonight:

The KOMO story points to the bill that’s just been reintroduced in the Legislature, where it stalled last year (see it here); it would fix the law so that public-safety personnel like Officer McKissack who suffer “catastrophic disabilities” will not lose their medical benefits. (Thanks to Robert and Shelley for tonight’s notes pointing us to this story.)

ADDED 7:06 PM SATURDAY: There’s now a fund set up:

Donations can be sent to:
2949 4th Ave South
Seattle, WA 98134
Subject line: Jason McKissack

Also please see the comments following this story for our discussion about how to reach legislators regarding the aforementioned bill.

2 notes from West Seattle police: Scam alert; 35th SW patrol

SCAM ALERT: Just got this from Southwest Precinct Lt. Norm James (who, as we reported last Friday, has a new role, so you’ll be hearing more from him when news happens) — He says they’re investigating a case of alleged fraud involving rental properties on Craigslist; one person found a listing that described a “super deal” in West Seattle. When the would-be renter e-mailed the contact, the reply came back seeking personal information and saying that the landlord was in Africa but would send the key once the personal info was received. The would-be renter didn’t fall for it but checked around and found two similar listings. Bottom line, Lt. James says, “Just a heads up .. to be aware of this type of scam out there. They need to be aware of deals that are too good to be true and to verify the authority of people who have rental properties available.”

35TH SW PATROL: On Facebook and Twitter, there were a few mentions yesterday of major police presence on 35th SW, apparently watching for speeders. We asked SW Precinct Lt. Steve Paulsen if anything special was going on. His reply: “Traffic/Pedestrian safety is one of our precinct priorities. The Traffic Section does enforcement on 35th on a regular basis due to the sheer speed folks travel at and the number of traffic collisions. Given the recent accidents, we requested some assistance. Several drivers were stopped and cited.” (Those recent accidents include this one last Sunday in which a car flipped; no one was seriously hurt.)

West Seattle police: High-level change at Southwest Precinct

The Southwest Precinct‘s second-in-command, Lt. Steve Paulsen, is heading east. Precinct Captain Joe Kessler made the announcement at last night’s Precinct CItizens Advisory Council meeting: Lt. Paulsen (10/09 photo at right) is joining the downtown-based West Precinct in March; current second-watch commander Lt. Norm James will take over the Southwest Precinct Operations role; and Lt. Ron Rasmussen will come to West Seattle to fill the resulting second-watch (morning/afternoon) vacancy. Capt. Kessler tells WSB this isn’t the result of any sort of shakeup – there’s been a vacancy at the West Precinct, and Lt. Paulsen seems right for the job, not only because he spent four years as a watch commander there before, but also because he has a deep background in the kind of logistics experience you need in that area, with special events – from parades to protests – requiring strategic staffing and protection plans. Though Lt. James will take over the Operations role shortly and Lt. Rasmussen arrives next week, Capt. Kessler says Lt. Paulsen won’t be leaving the SW Precinct immediately – he’s there until early March “helping with the transition and doing special project work.” He adds that he’s worked before with Lt. Rasmussen, who has been working most recently at headquarters downtown, focused on special projects such as the Neighborhood Policing Plan. What does all this mean to you? Probably not much – but since Lt. Paulsen has been a highly public face of the precinct, attending meetings and providing information for many of the stories we check out, we thought you’d want to know. Thanks to Pete Spalding, who leads the Precinct Citizens Advisory Council, for first word of last night’s announcement; Capt. Kessler mentioned another bit of news from last night’s meeting – 34th District Democrats chair Tim Nuse attended to present him with a card and letter thanking local police for their service – the captain says that was “heartwarming.”

Next public meeting at the precinct is a week and a half away – West Seattle Crime Prevention Council at 7 pm Tuesday, Jan. 19 – if you’re got questions about the precinct changes, including not only this but also the city-attorney change we reported earlier this week (followup still in the works), be there!

Update: Major police response on The Bridge = burglary arrests

(Thanks to Brian C for the photo – added 2:30 pm)
ORIGINAL 1:31 PM REPORT: Thanks for the notes and texts about a large number of police cars on The Bridge, eastbound near the exit to The Viaduct, in the past 20 minutes or so – tipsters say they were focused on a minivan, and that some officers had guns drawn. We’re checking to find out more. (There was some report of traffic backups as a result, but we’re not seeing that on the traffic camera right now.) ADDED 1:57 PM: Just heard back from Southwest Precinct Lt. Norm James:

There was a residential burglary in the northern part of West Seattle this morning where two suspects were seen fleeing in a dark colored van. Shortly after that, a dark colored van was seen casing several residences in the south portion of West Seattle. The license number of the suspicious van was broadcast. Officers put two and two together and figured that these two were connected. An officer spotted the van northbound on Delridge. It was stopped [on the bridge], the occupants detained and items from the initial burglary were recovered from the van. Two males were arrested – one adult and one juvenile.

Motorcycle rider hit on Beach Drive

(Photo courtesy Rhonda Porter)
You may have seen police activity related to this in the past half-hour or so: A motorcycle rider has been taken to the hospital after being hit by a van by Jacobsen and Beach Drive. The van took off but police have since found it and the driver. We’re told the motorcyclist was conscious when he was taken to the hospital, and he was taken by ambulance, rather than aid car, which usually indicates not-life-threatening injuries. The road’s open. ADDED 7:44 PM: From “Proud Sister” in the comment section:

One other bit to the story that you didn’t know about is that my little brother Mr. Adam Layman, happened to drive down Jacobsen Rd. at the same time they were trying to get away.

When he saw what had just happened the neighbors motioned for him to follow the van that had fled the scene. He confronted the two guys at the top of Jacobsen. The passenger took off running and the driver said he would be back he just had to go and get some new tires!

So my little brother (a 25yr.old 4th gen. W.S.H.S. grad) followed the driver for about 10 min. and directed the cops to his whereabouts. He’s my hero and I’m so proud of him!!!

Meantime, Jeff sent a photo of the motorcycle, post-crash: