West Seattle restaurants 1541 results

Construction zones

April 18, 2006 8:57 pm
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 |   West Seattle restaurants

Stroll through the Junction and you can get a good closeup look at what’s going on inside the ex-Ben-&-Jerry’s-turning-cupcake-joint and the ex-New-Luck-Toy-turning-pizzeria. The former isn’t really much more than a ripped-out shell, though a flyer on the window promises a “mid-May” opening; the latter has made much more progress, and the past two nights, windows fronting on Cali Ave have been so wide open, you could literally stick your head in and watch crews working into the night. Looks like it’s going to be gorgeous in there, BTW. Which reminds me, the very last paragraph of this Seattle Weekly article has a report about who’s behind the pizzeria, in case you missed it.

Pop …

April 15, 2006 6:03 pm
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 |   West Seattle restaurants

… went the Bubble Lounge Cafe, on California a bit north of Morgan Junction. Just noticed it’s gone out of business. Stopped there a time or two, and never saw much of a crowd. A bit of an odd location, too, and being closed on Sundays couldn’t have helped (we would have patronized them a few more times if not for that scheduling quirk). However, hats off to them for trying; entrepreneurialism is never easy.

EBB expansion

April 3, 2006 6:53 pm
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 |   West Seattle restaurants

Seems Elliott Bay Brewing Co. is expanding to a second (albeit secret) location (Puget Sound Biz Journal report via MSNBC). I think I mentioned here a while back that we re-tried them a while back and their burgers definitely passed muster, and then some.

Your 4 favorite WS restaurants

If you were to pick ’em, would they be the same 4 as in this Times roundup (scroll down)?

I think West 5 belongs in that list, at the very least. But maybe that’s only because I’ve never been to Ovio. Peered at the menu a few times — will have to try it sometime — but it sounds a little too fused for me to bring West Seattle Blogger Spouse, who is a meat-n-potatoes type of person (and no, the meat can’t be “adolescent hamster raised on pinenut feed” nor can the potatoes be “spring purple fingerling speckled sardine-infused russets”).

Three weeks later …

March 28, 2006 7:40 pm
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Gosh, I hate to brag. Well, no, I don’t, really …

The P-I will report TOMORROW what you read here on West Seattle Blog back on March 8.

Also sort-of-new tonight: Someone who helps publish the WS Herald finally found this here blog thing and answered my question from last month (scroll down to the comment).

What they just cooked up

March 23, 2006 9:50 pm
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 |   West Seattle restaurants | Westwood

Passed by Eats Market Cafe tonight at Westwood Village. The local food stars who run this well-regarded eatery have something more than menus posted in the window right now — a birth announcement! Luke Handler, born March 16, described on the flyers as a “future chef.” Congrats to Evan and Toby!

The icing on the (cup)cake

March 22, 2006 8:00 pm
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 |   West Seattle online | West Seattle restaurants

Discovered two bloglets that seem to have something to do with the Junction successor to Ben ‘n’ Jerry’s (remember, you read it here first). Cupcakes ‘n’ coffee, trumpets the ad art featured on this page. If you want to be the first to know when they’ll open, you can sign up for their e-mail list here. And if you want to be intimately familiar with the signage and fixtures they’re looking at, have yourself a party here.

New Luck — new look

The east side of Cali Ave in The Junction just keeps a-changin’ — Just discovered that New Luck Toy isn’t just getting a new look, it’s getting a new mission. A flyer posted to its door touts “Talarico’s Pizzeria,” ostensibly coming soon. And even more shocking — the streetfront facade to the restaurant’s great brown hulk now has WINDOWS!

I do wonder what will become of the charming blinking neon New Luck Toy sign, though. Such a throwback to the day when every small town (and WS was once a small town all its own) had a sort-of-kitschy Chinese restaurant, serving cornstarchy Cashew Chicken over Minute Rice with a side of those crunchy canned “chow mein noodles.” Ewww.

BTW, Talarico’s does not appear to be a chain — the name only turns up online as a store in Kansas … (“Dorothy, we’re not eating Chinese food any more!”)

Another Starbucks alternative

March 20, 2006 7:10 pm
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 |   West Seattle restaurants

Kind of forgot about ’em for a while … but the other day, when I just couldn’t bear to spend another dime on Corporate Coffee, I wandered into Casablanca (on 35th, a bit south of the water tower). Yum!!! Very smoooooth latte’. Although the whole bit with the house next door selling “discount mattresses” is just a bit bizarre.

Bigger isn’t always better

March 18, 2006 4:31 pm
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 |   West Seattle restaurants

If you like spicy Chinese food, I have to renew my recommendation of New Teriyaki & Wok, just south of the Morgan Junction Thriftway. I sort of started forgetting how good its kung pao and General Tso’s chicken dishes are, till dropping by Uwajimaya’s deli for lunch today. No comparison. NT&W is so much better. Spicier, sweeter, more … robust. Eat in, take out. Closed Sundays but if you see this before 9 p.m. Saturday, it’s not too late to grab something tonight! (You won’t see us there, though. We’ve passed our takeout quota for the week. Looks like something frozen tonight.)

Get your Quebecois mojo on

March 17, 2006 10:36 am
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 |   Fauntleroy | West Seattle restaurants

Dropped by Endolyne Joe’s (just uphill from the Fauntleroy ferry dock) for the first time in months. They’ve been doing a Quebec theme (certain food specials including, on the lunch menu, the classic fries-n-curds-n-gravy creation known as “poutine”) for a while, but the waitperson gravely informed us that it’s changing next week … along with the cute icicly (haven’t they heard about global warming?) decor. Next up: Santa Fe Tex-Mex. Jalapenos, here we come!

To cannibalize a comment …

March 13, 2006 7:24 pm
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 |   West Seattle restaurants

In case you miss it a few posts down, “HC” says he’s learned that Starbucks is buying/has bought the Rainier Roaster drive-thru restaurant near the 35th/Fauntleroy gateway to The Bridge. Have to say, that’s a killer location for a drive-up Starbucks, although I hope they re-route the traffic a bit, since one of the reasons I seldom visited RR was the weird route required to get to the window.

New but not necessarily improved

March 13, 2006 6:37 am
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 |   West Seattle restaurants

Just a bit of wistfulness …

The Morgan Junction Subway remodeling work is over. More like redecorating. A key point — the original Subway wall decor (wallpaper mapping the NYC Subway system) is gone, replaced by big color photo murals of vegetables. Yes, I know, that fits the brand, but it’s just one more little bit of familiarity by the wayside. Kind of like the whole 76 ball thing.

South of the border

March 11, 2006 9:29 am
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 |   West Seattle restaurants

Started a long rant on this. Realized it really boils down to just one thing:


Our joy at Pagliacci’s WS arrival years ago was muted by the revelation that they refused to deliver to our neighborhood. The border is actually way north of even Morgan Junction.

So, at least three times a month, we place our order on the way home, and drop by The (Alaska) Junction for pickup. Past couple times, though, the wait has been insane. Last night, the wait just to pick up pre-ordered pizzas filled almost the entire store — 15 minutes just to get to the counter.

Sure sign of success. So why not expand the delivery zone? Even little Amante, headquartered way north of Pagliacci, will happily drive orders this far.


Down on the corner

More info on what’s replacing Ben & Jerry’s in the Junction:

The permit on the door named a “Verite Coffee” as the permittee. The name rang no bells; a little googling revealed the name to belong to a coffee and cupcake enterprise with two locations in northern parts of Seattle.

An e-mail inquiry brought confirmation — they’re opening a coffeehouse in the B & J space. No date yet — they say “we just got the space – so it’ll be a while …”

Good news for Husky Deli; they win the Junction ice-cream war. As for coffee — hmm — guess it’s impossible to have too many coffee providers in any given Seattle block, but the Junction is getting crowded now; these “Verite” folks will be joining In-n-Out, Capers, Uptown, Easy Street, Bike ‘n’ Brew, Coffee to a T with Sugar, are we missing anyone?

Food notes

March 3, 2006 10:30 pm
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 |   West Seattle restaurants

-Ben & Jerry’s in the Junction, supposedly reopening March 1 after a winter closure, is instead undergoing some sort of remodel. Checked the phone line that its number refers callers to; still says “reopening March 1.” Will investigate further.

-Driven by La Rustica on Beach Drive a million times; haven’t been in the building since its early ’90s days as a coffee joint. Just happened onto its inside story. Who knew?

Scenes from one block of MJ

February 28, 2006 6:29 am
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 |   Pets | Seen around town | West Seattle restaurants

–Everyone jokes about the same telecommuters sitting at Starbucks tables day after day, but we can also report that the same consistency seems to apply to nighttime visitors at the Morgan Junction SBUX. The family with kids doing their homework; the quilters; the guy with the gray ponytail. Someday someone’s going to walk in and everyone’s going to yell, “NORM!”

–The renovation work at Subway is into its down-and-dirty-and-temporarily-closed phase. If you want a sandwich, you’re going to have to go to Jefferson Square, at least for a few days. (Aside, how come Quizno’s is yet another thing we can’t get without driving to Burien?)

–The two cats guarding Aaron’s Bicycle Repair look like critters you wouldn’t want to tangle with. One of them looks like it’s actually tough enough to ride a bike, or at least steal it.

Happy anniversary

February 14, 2006 4:35 am
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 |   West Seattle restaurants

Was hoping to dine at West 5 last night to celebrate a special occasion — got there and found the restaurant/lounge was closed for its own special occasion — with a sign on the door declaring 2/13 to be West 5’s anniversary, and a party under way somewhere. Third anniversary, I think … well, kampai & may you have many more …

Second time around

February 10, 2006 10:51 pm
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 |   West Seattle restaurants

Went to the newly remodeled Spiro’s Pizza & Pasta tonight. Last time we went there was at least … 10 years ago. No foolin’. Went there once, not impressed, didn’t go back. Didn’t have a reason to, really, since the pizza picture here on the west side of the bay has steadily improved — especially once Pagliacci arrived.

Then came tonight: driving around with a West Seattle Blogger Relative whose hungry heart was set on sitdown pizza. Drove past Pegasus — no surprise, crowd spilling out onto the street, as it does just about any weekend night that’s not besieged with rain (or worse). WSB Relative suggested Spiro’s. What the heck.

What a surprise! The menu’s still a lot like Pegasus (minus Caesar salad, sadly). The pizza bears a bit of resemblance — crispy-topped cheese — but much more savory than Pegasus, and less overwhelming. (“Zesty,” was the proclamation of WSB Relative.)

The atmosphere, though, remains no better than what I recall from all those years ago. The remodeling work seems to have fancied up the walls (the baseboards remain glaringly aged), but the space is insanely noisy. My workplace is clamorous enough, I don’t need to deal with that kind of racket while dining out. We’ll go again — but next time, for takeout.

Junction food tidbits

February 3, 2006 6:41 pm
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 |   West Seattle restaurants

2 things you might want to know:

-After my earlier snark about the proximity of Ben and Jerry’s possibly creating bad karma for the now-shuttered Urban Fitness, I noted with growing horror that the B&J’s never seemed to be open, no matter when I passed through the Junction. So tonight I finally called. Relief — allegedly they’ll be reopening March 1st. I mean, Husky ice cream is okay, but just okay.

-Pagliacci is starting its delivery service at noon on Super Bowl Sunday. Well, maybe that’s good news for you. Not for those of us who live south of their ridiculously selected delivery border, here on the S end of W-Sea. Not that I wanted pizza on Sunday anyway; we serve homemade yummies at our party.

Except for the Costco Chocolate Cake From Hell that we picked up today. I haven’t peeked in the fridge to see it yet, but I’m told it has a cute little Go Seahawks logo on top.

Which gives me a chance to use this memory, in parting … Remember back when all the local sports teams sucked? The rallying cry always went, “Go Seahawks … … … and take the Mariners with you!”

The great avocado hunt

February 3, 2006 6:29 am
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 |   West Seattle restaurants

I was a Super Bowl guacamole-maker before the California Avocado Commission revved up its publicity campaign. Really.

So I’ve spent more than a few day-before-Super-Bowls frantically searching the Markets of West Seattle for the perfect avocadoes.

Gotta be black-skinned, not that weird gelatinous bright green kind. Gotta be soft but not too liquid. Most important of all, the price has to be reasonable … five avocadoes shouldn’t cost more than $10.

Thriftway is usually the most reliable source. You would think the beautiful produce section of Metropolitan Market would yield perfect guacamole fodder; not in my experience. Found them at Jefferson Square Safeway once, after a fruitless (truly) peninsula-wide search. But I’ll even go to Queen Anne Larry’s, if it comes to that. I probably shouldn’t wait till tomorrow; my dream avocadoes might vanish tonight.

Yes, soup for you

January 8, 2006 3:42 pm
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 |   West Seattle restaurants | Westwood

Killer soup at lunch today. Actually, we squeaked in before the end of the relatively new Sunday brunch zone at eats market cafe (Westwood Village). Today’s “market soup” was curried carrot. Tangy, creamy, dreamy. Their sandwiches have a zesty personality too, mildly reminiscent of the wondrous BLT at West 5. OK, I guess this makes up for the burger whine last night …

Cheeseburger in paradise (not)

There are no decent, fast burgers in West Seattle. We need Fatburger. Here on a rainy Saturday night, we are going to have to drive to Wendy’s in Burien to get a decent burger. McDonald’s and Jack in the Box don’t qualify. Yeah, some of our sit-down eateries have tasty burgers (Easy Street, Duke’s, Circa), but this isn’t that kind of a night. We’re in our scruffies, we just want to drive somewhere, get a burger, come home. And for that, we have to go to Burien. Bah.