West Seattle, Washington
09 Sunday
We have been covering cancellations, changes, delays, closures (and some of what’s OPEN) in our main weather post – but this one needed a separate note too: The Design Review Board meeting that had been scheduled tonight at Madison Middle School for two projects, 4502 42nd SW and The Kenney‘s redevelopment, IS CANCELED per city planner Michael Dorcy. We will let you know when a new date is set.
Tomorrow night, the Southwest Design Review Board is scheduled to meet at the Madison Middle School library, with two projects to review, including the $150 million redevelopment proposal for The Kenney in Fauntleroy. Design proposals are often made available online before DRB meetings, and we wanted to let you know that the presentation The Kenney will make tomorrow night has just been posted. See it here; it’s shorter than most of these “packets” — six pages, showing five possible configurations of the project – one that The Kenney showed as its “preferred alternative” at the October 23 meeting (WSB coverage here), one that would be “code compliant” (not requiring zoning changes or other “departures”), one that is self-explanatorily titled the “Saving Seaview Alternative” (that’s the historic Kenney building with the cupola), one called the “L3 Perimeter Alternative Plan” (subtitled as “permitting better transition to adjacent single-family structures,” and finally the “December 18 preferred plan” (shown above; tallest structure would be 5 stories, west-east wing in the middle of the campus). Again, you can get a closer look at that, and all five versions, here. The Kenney is on tomorrow night’s agenda at 8 pm, following a 6:30 pm review for 4502 42nd SW (as reported here, with links to the previous review as well as the new presentation). Here’s a map to Madison MS. And you can see all WSB coverage of The Kenney’s redevelopment plan (dating back to our first in-depth preview four months ago) archived here.
As you likely have heard by now (if not, catch up on our archive here), the nonprofit Fauntleroy retirement center The Kenney has a $150 million redevelopment project on the drawing boards – one that would demolish almost every building on the site, even the century-old Seaview (above), famous far and wide for its cupola (which The Kenney promises would return somewhere in the project). Two weeks before its architects and developers return for the next Design Review meeting, neighbors and community leaders gathered at Fauntleroy Church (WSB sponsor) last night to talk about their concerns about, and hopes for, the project, while also getting insight into the process the project must follow before any sort of green lights are given:Read More
A few West Seattle notes on the semiweekly Land Use Information Bulletin sent by the city (you can subscribe in the right sidebar here): The 3-story office-building project just north of PCC has officially applied for its land-use permit (notice here; here’s our report from its Design Review meeting last April). Also in today’s LUIB, a three-lot subdivision has been granted for 6739 25th SW (map); read the decision here – this is the Google Street View of the area:
The LUIB also includes the official notices of the Design Review Board meetings 12/18 for 4502 42nd SW (as reported here a week ago) and The Kenney‘s redevelopment project (which, as mentioned here earlier, is the subject of a community meeting at 7 pm tonight, Fauntleroy Church [WSB sponsor]). On the 18th, the DRB will meet at Madison Middle School; 4502 42nd will be discussed at 6:30, The Kenney at 8.
ARBOR HEIGHTS BAZAAR: Long before they were rocked by the proposal to close their “program,” the Arbor Heights Elementary community had been getting ready for this big holiday event. Now, it packs extra punch. Go visit them and find everything from pizza to performances to presents, 4 pm-8 pm (full details here).
SCHOOL CLOSURES COMMUNITY MEETING: However they shake out, the closures/changes are on a fast track, and the district wants community suggestions ASAP. Tonight’s the next chance, 6:30-8:30 pm at Stanford Center (district HQ) in Sodo (more info here).
SANISLO ELEMENTARY CONCERT AT WEST SEATTLE HIGH SCHOOL: It’s a celebration to conclude Sanislo‘s musical residency with Joe Craven, and the community’s invited, free! 6:30 pm
COMMUNITY MEETING ON THE KENNEY’S MEGAPROJECT: Morgan Community Association and Fauntleroy Community Association have joined forces to get questions answered regarding where the project stands and what happens next, Fauntleroy Church (WSB sponsor) fellowship hall, 7 pm (previous WSB coverage of the project is archived here; the next Design Review meeting is finally on the city website, 8 pm 12/18 at Madison Middle School)
GOT YOUR OWN PROJECT IN MIND? Ventana Construction (WSB sponsor) presents its next edition of the free “Building a Better Home: Remodeling and Custom Home Workshop” tonight at Ventana offices, 5458 California Ave SW, 6:30 pm. Call 206-932-3009 to make sure there’s still room.
LATE-NIGHT SHOPPING: Another WSB sponsor, Click! Design That Fits in Admiral, has the first of its Late-Night Thursdays holiday shopping events tonight, open till 9 with “rotating specials, snacks and libations from 6 to 9 pm” each of the next three Thursdays (this week’s special, 15% off all holiday decorations and cards during the event).
More on the frequently updated WSB West Seattle Events calendar, which runs well into next year.
Got word from The Kenney’s CEO Kevin McFeely that there’s an update to the FAQ addressing concerns about its $150 million redevelopment proposal – so we’ve uploaded it to share with you – read it here. McFeely says the major changes are toward the start of the document, with an added section about The Kenney’s income and executive salaries – no specific numbers, though. He also reiterates that, as the FAQ says, they’re expecting to return for the next Design Review meeting on December 18th – that’s still not on the city DR-schedule website as of this posting, so we have a call out to city planners to doublecheck. (The 12/18 Design Review Board meeting is scheduled for Madison Middle School and so far has one project on the agenda, as reported here last week, 4502 42nd SW, 6:30 pm; that still leaves room for another project to go before the board at 8.) A meeting that unquestionably IS happening: This Thursday night’s community gathering sponsored by the Fauntleroy Community Association and Morgan Community Association for an update on the project and the process – 7 pm Thursday at Fauntleroy Church (WSB sponsor) Fellowship Hall.
That’s the top of the flyer that volunteers have been distributing around Fauntleroy and Morgan Junction to continue getting the word out about this Thursday night’s community meeting to discuss The Kenney‘s $150 million redevelopment proposal (all WSB coverage, going back to our first in-depth report in August, is archived here). Click the image (or click here) to see the entire flyer – if you live in the area, Morgan Community Association and Fauntleroy Community Association volunteers request that you print it out and be sure your neighbors have seen it (or share it by e-mail – right-click the headline of this post to get the direct link, or right-click the image for the direct link to the flyer) – they’ve already distributed more than 100 copies in just a few hours today, before running out of daylight and flyers; this is a big chance to get answers about the project and find out what happens next in the process. 7 pm Thursday, Fauntleroy Church (WSB sponsor) Fellowship Hall. (If you missed it last week, here’s a link to the project FAQ just published by The Kenney.)
Two updates tonight in the proposal for a $150 million redevelopment of The Kenney, the retirement-care complex in Fauntleroy: First, the time and place are finalized for the community meeting (first reported here) that’s being organized by Morgan Community Association and Fauntleroy Community Association: 7 pm Thursday, December 4th, fellowship hall at Fauntleroy Church (WSB sponsor). The groups want to bring together everyone who is interested in the project, to get a briefing on next steps in the process from a city planner, and to discuss points such as “what are your concerns?” “what do we wish would happen?” and “what would it take to make this work in our community?” (per the MoCA bulletin) Also, The Kenney has finalized a Frequently Asked Questions document regarding the project and sent it to us (and others) to share with the community — you can see it here. If you have questions that aren’t answered by the FAQ – please post comments here and bring them to the December 4th meeting.
It’s been three months since our first report about the “reinvention” plan that would demolish that historic building and most of the other structures at The Kenney, in a $150 million plan that leadership of the retirement complex says is essential to its future success — at the project’s first Design Review Board meeting last month (WSB coverage here), CEO Kevin McFeely said, “… without this, we are not going to be able to survive financially.” At the end of that meeting, we reported that reps from Morgan Community Association and Fauntleroy Community Association were talking about co-sponsoring a community meeting before The Kenney’s next Design Review session. Now the date for that meeting is set: December 4th. Time and place are still being finalized, but MoCA’s Cindi Barker says the city planner assigned to the project, Michael Dorcy, “will be there the first 30-45 minutes to give a recap of all the process steps the Kenney must move through” and provide other information the community needs to know regarding . The date’s being driven in part by the possibility that The Kenney might return for that next DR meeting on December 18th. We expect to get more information at tomorrow night’s FCA meeting (7 pm, Fauntleroy Schoolhouse).
Isn’t there some way to save The Kenney‘s century-old original building, Seaview, as part of the redevelopment project? That was one question heard repeatedly Thursday night from both Southwest Design Review Board members and concerned neighbors, dozens of whom packed the project’s first official SWDRB review. After two hours of presentations, questions, criticisms, concerns, and suggestions, reviewers told The Kenney’s CEO and consultants to try again, ordering a second round of “early design guidance.” Board chair David Foster pronounced the situation more “complicated than any (he’d) seen in (his) 3 1/2 years on the board,” but in the end, the meeting was more constructive than confrontational — read on:Read More
Detailed report to come. Bottom line, though, after two hours laden with thoughtful public comments and concerns about the major redevelopment project at The Kenney – the Southwest Design Review Board (with only two of its five members in attendance) asked The Kenney to come back for a second round of “early design guidance” — that means at least two more meetings before it passes all the way through Design Review.
We’ve reported several times in the past two months about The Kenney‘s major redevelopment proposal (here’s our first in-depth report from August; here’s our coverage of last month’s community meeting), which has stirred some concern because one of the buildings is proposed to be six stories high. This Thursday night, it’s one of two projects going before the Southwest Design Review Board for “early design guidance,” and the city has posted the presentation submitted by The Kenney and its consultants. You can see the full 20-page presentation here (including side views of the three proposed alternatives); the third option is the one closest to what was presented at the community meeting, including a re-creation of part of its “park-like” northwestern corner:
The design-review meeting for The Kenney’s proposal is at 8 pm Thursday, in the Madison Middle School library, following reviewers’ 6:30 pm look at 4106 Delridge (5 stories of residential and retail; city project page here; that project’s presentation is not online yet – we’ll let you know when it turns up).
At the first of two community meetings about the $150 million plan to “reinvent” The Kenney, the century-old retirement center in Fauntleroy, management and consultants revealed two big changes since the plan was first previewed over the summer (not only in this WSB article, but also in meetings with Kenney residents): There’s more “park-like” space planned for the northwest section of the site, which is famous for its greenery now, but in order to make that happen, The Kenney wants to double the height of one new building in the middle of the complex — that means six stories, and it would require rezoning, if the City Council approves. Tonight is the second of two community meetings to discuss the latest plans for the project – here’s our full report on what happened at the first meeting:Read More
ADMIRAL SAFEWAY: We first reported in February that Safeway had advised the Admiral Neighborhood Association its long-anticipated plan to redevelop the store site was ramping up. Last month, general bullet points emerged when Safeway applied for a permit. Tonight, the company unveils its design at a community meeting at Hiawatha, 7 pm.
THE KENNEY: Last night, the century-old Fauntleroy retirement center discussed its major redevelopment plan — all but one building will be torn down — last night with neighbors. (Our article will be published later this morning; two major changes were revealed last night, including the proposal for one building to be 6 stories high.) Tonight, The Kenney’s management and consultants are presenting the plan again, in a meeting geared toward local community groups and organizations (though everyone’s welcome), at The Kenney, 6 pm.
ALKI COMMUNITY COUNCIL: West Seattle’s fabled beach community has had a lot going on this summer – what’s ahead for fall? Attend tonight’s ACC meeting to find out. 7 pm, Alki Community Center.
Later today – we look ahead to a few of the big events coming up in the next few days beyond tonight, including Holy Rosary’s West Fest (WSB sponsor) tomorrow and Saturday and the first-ever West Seattle Junction Car Show (co-sponsored by WSB) Sunday.
TONIGHT: Arbor Heights playground meeting, 7 pm, AH Community Church (project preview here). TUESDAY: Alaskan Way Viaduct open house, 5:30-7:30 pm, Fauntleroy Church. WEDNESDAY: 1st of 2 meetings about the $150 million revamp for The Kenney, 6 pm, Fauntleroy Church (project preview here). THURSDAY: New Admiral Safeway project design unveiled at community meeting, 7 pm, Hiawatha (and The Kenney hosts the second meeting about its project, 6 pm). For other events this week and beyond, see our list here.
Last month, we brought you in-depth details of the $150 million redevelopment project on the drawing board for The Kenney, the longtime retirement community in Fauntleroy. (Read our story here.) Today, we get word from The Kenney’s CEO Kevin McFeely that two meetings are set next week to discuss the project with, and answer questions from, neighbors and other area residents/community leaders: 6 pm Wednesday at Fauntleroy Church (with official invitations going out to everyone within a half-mile radius), 6 pm next Thursday (9/18) at The Kenney (targeting local neighborhood associations and business groups). The project also is tentatively scheduled for its first Design Review Board hearing — which is a public meeting too — at 8 pm October 23rd (location TBA); here’s the city’s project page.
Nine days ago, we brought you the first in-depth report about the $150 million expansion in the works for The Kenney in Fauntleroy (including the demolition, and “replication,” of the cupola-adorned building shown above) – if you missed it, you can read our story here. We’re mentioning it because the first Southwest Design Review Board public meeting has just been set for the project, October 23rd. (The official city page has the wrong address for this, but the right project link; there are a few more notable new West Seattle dates on the page — we’d already mentioned 5020 California SW is coming up again on September 11th, but now the second meeting for the 35th/Graham High Point project has moved from that date to October 9th, while the October 23rd meeting featuring The Kenney’s plan is also scheduled to include 4106 Delridge, a 5-story mixed-use proposal.)
That cupola at The Kenney, the century-old senior-care complex in Fauntleroy, is a West Seattle landmark. As part of the major redevelopment project that The Kenney is planning, the building it’s part of will be demolished – but hold on, the cupola’s not going away. WSB obtained extensive details of the proposed project, just as The Kenney starts applying for city permits (its project page is now online here) and rolling out the plan to residents, neighbors, and community groups. Read on to find out about the big changes in the works:Read More
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