Announcements 297 results

West Seattle-based General Biodiesel completes refinery purchase

June 25, 2009 11:33 am
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Announced by West Seattle-based General Biodiesel:

SEATTLE, WA (June 24, 2009) –General Biodiesel Seattle, LLC announces today that it has completed the acquisition of the former Seattle Biodiesel facility, a Seattle-based commercial
biodiesel refinery, from Imperium Renewables, Inc. General Biodiesel is converting the facility
to produce biodiesel from waste oils such as recycled cooking oil and animal fat, which the
Company collects from restaurants and grocery stores around the region.

Yale Wong, CEO and founder of General Biodiesel, commented that “the mission of General
Biodiesel is to produce high-quality biodiesel fuel from locally generated waste at a competitive
price. The acquisition of this plant enables General Biodiesel to deliver a locally produced
renewable fuel source that will measurably reduce total carbon emissions in the State of
Washington, reduce our dependency on foreign oil, and build a stronger regional economy by
creating green jobs in the community.”

John Plaza, who founded Seattle Biodiesel (now Imperium Renewables) and built the plant, said
“It’s great to see our site being put to continued good use as a biodiesel production facility. We
are happy to have General Biodiesel as the new owners of our original facility. They are a great
example of innovation and leadership in renewable and clean energy in our state.”

Simultaneously with the plant acquisition, General Biodiesel closed on an equity financing
arranged by Swiftsure Securities, LLC, a Seattle-based merchant bank. “Swiftsure has looked at
the biofuels sector for several years now and General Biodiesel represents one of strongest
business models we’ve seen. General Biodiesel’s vertically integrated model of collecting local
waste, producing biodiesel locally and selling to local fleets is the future of the biofuels
industry. The fundamentals of the business are sound, and General Biodiesel is well-positioned
to be a leader in the category,” added Gordon Gardiner of Swiftsure, who will join General
Biodiesel Seattle’s Board of Directors.

New manager for Southwest Branch Library in West Seattle

June 25, 2009 12:13 am
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Julie Enevoldsen from Friends of Southwest Branch Library sends word that:

Southwest Branch’s manager, Theresa Mayer, has a new position as Outreach Services Manager at the Central Library … Mark Guzman, Assistant Manager, will continue with Southwest. After July 8th, our new manager (shared, as before, with the South Park branch) will be Jane Appling.

Julie says that her group hopes to schedule a meet-and-greet reception for the new manager, but there’s no firm plan/date yet.

Car show at Merrill Gardens-Admiral Heights this Saturday

June 23, 2009 11:04 am
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Just in from Merrill Gardens-Admiral Heights (WSB sponsor):

ANTIQUE CAR SHOW – Saturday, June 27th from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Merrill Gardens at Admiral Heights, 2326 California Ave. SW. We’ll take a step back in time as far back as the Roaring 20’s! These beautiful cars can be viewed from the alley side of the building. Hot dogs and pop available for a $2 donation. Proceeds to benefit the Senior Center of West Seattle.

Attention, White Center and South Delridge youth – need a summer project?

June 22, 2009 11:15 am
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Seattle Neighborhood Group says the deadline’s been extended for youth-project proposals – July 11th – meeting this goal:

White Center/South Delridge Community Safety Coalition’s Youth Project goals are to equip, mobilize and support youth in our community to be agents of change. The youth-led community projects must address the priorities from the March 14 BOOM! youth summit. Each youth project will be assigned to work with one Community Safety Coalition member or a responsible community member, in addition to the youth project coordinator.

Find out more by checking out the application – download it here.

Park operating hours, more on Park Board’s agenda this week

June 22, 2009 10:04 am
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A reminder from the Parks Department that its Board of Park Commissioners – chaired by Alki’s Jackie Ramels – meets this Thursday (June 25):

The Seattle Board of Park Commissioners will hold its next regularly
scheduled meeting at 7 p.m. Thursday, June 25 in the Park Board Room at
the Parks Administration Building, 100 Dexter Ave. N (the corner of
Dexter and Denny).

The agenda includes:

· Park Operating Hours * Board discussion and recommendation.As
established by City Council ordinance, most Seattle parks are open from
4 a.m. to 11:30 p.m.; however, the Parks Superintendent has the
authority to make exceptions. Many exceptions have been made over the
years in response to problems in some parks that include noise,
graffiti, and alcohol and drug use. As a result, Parks has a variety of
park operating hours. The Board, which heard a briefing on the issue on
February 26, 2009 and held a public hearing on May 14, 2009, will
discuss and make a recommendation on how best to create consistency in
park operating hours and to address actual and perceived neighborhood
safety issues. A briefing paper on park operating hours is at

· Use of Synthetic Turf Policy * Board discussion and
recommendation.After a staff briefing on April 23, 2009, and a public
hearing on May 28, 2009, the Board will make a recommendation to the
Superintendent on a proposed policy on the safe use of synthetic turf at
Seattle Parks and Recreation ballfields. A briefing paper and the
proposed Use of Synthetic Turf Policy are available for review at

· Associated Recreation Council (ARC) * Update briefing.Bill
Keller, ARC*s Executive Director, will present to the Board a
semi-annual report on the relationship between Seattle Parks and ARC, a
nonprofit partner that since 1974 has provided programming in Parks
facilities and advice on programs, services, facilities, and operations.
For more information on ARC, please see

ArtsWest receives $50,000 grant from Paul G. Allen Family Foundation

June 19, 2009 2:12 pm
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Just announced by ArtsWest – here’s the official news release:

ArtsWest announced today that they have been awarded a grant from The Paul G. Allen Family Foundation. The $50,000 grant will go toward Full Speed Ahead, ArtsWest’s capital campaign.

“The Paul G. Allen Family Foundation is proud to make a grant of $50,000 to ArtsWest,” said Susan M. Coliton, the vice president of The Paul G. Allen Family Foundation. “In these tough economic times, we need to ensure that we leverage every dollar to have the greatest possible impact so we can continue the Foundation’s longstanding commitment to the arts. Our grant to ArtsWest recognizes its valuable commitment to strengthening its West Seattle community and transforming lives.”

“The Allen Foundation grant is a great indicator of the buy-in ArtsWest has from our community,” said KayLee Jaech, ArtsWest’s development director, “It’s that support that both drives us and allows us to continue enriching the culture of West Seattle . I think it will lead directly to support from other foundations, civic-minded corporations, and individuals who value ArtsWest and support Full Speed Ahead.”

Funding from Full Speed Ahead will pay for crucial maintenance projects, payment of no less than minimum wage to actors and other artists, and enhancing the administrative infrastructure to assist with customer service issues, all allowing for successful strategic growth for ArtsWest.

“Over the years, dozens of Puget Sound nonprofit arts organizations with facility or capacity issues have been forced to move into a new facility, and consequently, a new neighborhood,” said Alan Harrison, ArtsWest’s executive director. “We love our neighborhood. ArtsWest wants to stay, maintain its facility, and grow its artistry and its impact. The Paul G. Allen Family Foundation grant will help us achieve those goals.”

“Full Speed Ahead is a capital campaign designed to create a less-expensive option for capital needs with a priority of remaining in the West Seattle Junction,” said Sheila Weaver, the President of the ArtsWest Board of Trustees. “That’s why this is such a smart investment, and why the city, county, state, the Seattle Foundation and now The Paul G. Allen Family Foundation have signed on.”

100 Seattle homes sought for free environmental assessments

June 18, 2009 3:18 pm
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Out of the WSB inbox, here’s the announcement:

EOS Alliance is recruiting 100 Seattle homes for a free home efficiency pilot project called Green Blocks.

From July 6 through August 21, 2009, Seattle residents participating in this program will receive free home environmental performance assessments, recommendations for home efficiency improvements, and technical assistance implementing the recommendations.

Environmental performance measures installed as part of the Green Blocks program (pending home owner approval) may include smart electric meters, weather-stripping, door sweeps, gap sealant, low-flow sink aerators, low-flow showerheads, programmable thermostats, CFLs, hot water tank insulation, attic and wall insulation, efficient appliances, rain barrels, sheet mulching, drought tolerant landscaping, storm water infiltration swales, and vegetable garden beds. Once environmental performance measures have been installed, EOS Alliance will track (with homeowner support) energy, water, and fuel usage for at least one year to note the benefits and changes in home efficiency. Individual and household information will remain confidential and only generalized data will be used to assess the program.

You can apply online by going here.

Fauntleroy Park plant tour this Sunday (June 21)

June 18, 2009 12:59 pm
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Want to get outdoors but not just, oh, say, sit on the beach? Here’s a chance this Sunday to tour one of West Seattle’s greenspaces:

Fauntleroy Park Plant Tour. Co-leaders: Richard Drokar and Steve Richmond

Fauntleroy Park is 28 acres of urban forest in West Seattle, currently under
restoration through the efforts of neighborhood volunteers, Earth Corps, the Green
Seattle Partnership and a company of professional restorationists, Steve Richmond of
Garden Cycles. It is the watershed for Fauntleroy Creek, which has been stocked with
salmon fingerlings by local schoolchildren and has an annual run of coho salmon. The
Park is little known, but it may be one of Seattle’s most pristine natural areas.
Join Steve and Richard to hear about restoration efforts and the native plants,
lichens and bird life of the Park. As an urban forest, the Park has urban amenities.
There is a small, local bakery a block away (the Original Bakery) where Bernie’s
bearclaws and donuts are especially good. A bakery stop after the tour will give us
a chance to discuss the challenges of urban forest restoration.

Date & Time
Sunday, June 21, 2009; 12 PM

Meet at 12:00 noon at the SW Barton Street entrance to the Park, between 40th and
41st Avenue SW, a few blocks west of the Fauntleroy ferry terminal.


For more detailed directions and to
sign up, contact Richard at or 206-935-1769.

First meeting set July 7 for new MOMS Club of West Seattle

June 17, 2009 10:00 pm
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Just out of the WSB inbox (here’s how to contact us any time):

Dirty diapers! Teething babies! Giggling (and sometimes crying) toddlers and little kids! Stay-at-home moms! These are things that the members of MOMS Club have in common. MOMS Club of West Seattle is part of an international organization supporting stay-at-home moms. MOMS stands for “Moms Offering Moms Support.”

We now officially have a MOMS Club of West Seattle. As an organization, we have park days, play dates, moms nights out, service projects, and much more! Through MOMS Club, you’ll get to know other moms in West Seattle and build lasting friendships! We have our first meeting set for Tuesday, July 7th from 9:30 – 11:00 and are very excited to share MOMS Club with you. We are also looking for someone to fill the Secretary Position on our board.

Please e-mail us at for the location and additional information. Meetings are kid-friendly!

Fundraiser Thursday (June 18) for Cooper families’ legal fund

June 17, 2009 8:41 pm
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As of this writing, no ruling in the legal challenge to the Cooper Elementary School closure. But one of the three people leading the challenge, Joy Anderson, asked us to share this announcement:


WHAT: Fundraiser for Cooper School’s Legal Defense Fund
Suggested donation @ door/ 20% of all food sales go to Cooper Elementary

WHERE: 88 Keys Dueling Piano and Sports Bar
315 Second Avenue South, Pioneer Square, Seattle

WHEN: June 18, 2009
Happy Hour 3-7. Fun starts @ 7-8:30
Open Mike, Comedy, and @ 8 to close, the infamous DUELING PIANOS!!!!

West Seattle theater: ArtsWest’s summer program lineup

June 17, 2009 4:34 pm
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Just sent out by Rachel at ArtsWest:

ArtsWest 2009 Summer Theater Program

SWEENEY TODD the Demon Barber of Fleet Street, July 15-25
DARK OF THE MOON, August 19-23

Where: ArtsWest Playhouse and Gallery
4711 California Avenue SW
Box Office: (206) 938-0339

Students at ArtsWest learn how to sing, dance, act – and a lot more. All performances are open to the public. Come enjoy the high level of excellence achieved by students in these nationally recognized programs!

Apprenticeship Program (ages 16-21):

the Demon Barber of Fleet Street

July 15-25

Music and Lyrics by Stephen Sondheim
Book by Hugh Wheeler
Based on the play by Christopher Bond

Directed by Christopher Zinovitch and Nick DeSantis
Musical Direction by Jessica Skerritt and Dane Stokenger

SWEENEY TODD is Sondheim’s award-winning musical thriller about a man, unjustly deported, who vows revenge with devastating consequences. Mrs. Lovett is Sweeney’s amorous accomplice (and creator of the infamous meat pies), as his diabolical plan brings them ever closer to the judge who destroyed his life and family, and their own bloody fate.

Tickets: only $15

Musical Theater Camp (Ages 8-12):

August 5-9

Music by Robert Reale
Book and Lyrics by Willie Reale
Based on the Books by Arnold Lobel

Directed and Staged by Suzanna Wilson and Chris Shea

This enchanting musical follows best friends Frog and Toad on their adventures through four fun-filled seasons. Cheerful Frog and “worry-wart” Toad leap off the page, along with the rest of the animal gang, for kite-flying, sled-racing and cookie-munching. Each amphibian anecdote comes to life with hilarious, heart-warming songs exploring the challenges and rewards of friendship.

Tickets: $12

Conservatory (Ages 12-16):


August 19-23
by Howard Richardson and William Berney

Directed by Christopher Zinovitch
Musical Direction by Andrew Leonard

DARK OF THE MOON is a tragic play in the vein of Romeo and Juliet and Twilight, set in the Appalachian Mountains during the 1920s. The play centers around the character of John, a witch boy, who seeks to become human after falling in love with a human girl, the beautiful copper-haired Barbara Allen. John tells a Conjur Woman he will pay any amount and agree to any terms just so long as he can be with his mortal love. She agrees, and he marrys Barbara Allen; if Barbara is faithful to him for a year, then John will remain a human. Meanwhile, the rest of Barbara’s clan doesn’t much approve of John, or Barbara’s strange newborn baby.

Tickets: $12

Sponsored in part by: Nucor Steel Seattle and The West Seattle Garden Tour

Cat Adopt-a-Thon at All the Best Pet Care on Alki, June 28

June 16, 2009 3:19 pm
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All the Best Pet Care on Alki sent this announcement:

On June 28th, Feral Care will be holding an Adopt-A-Thon and fundraiser at All The Best Pet Care on Alki. The event will take place from noon until 5 p.m. at All The Best Pet Care’s Alki Beach store, located at 2820 Alki Ave SW (next door to the Cactus restaurant). The featured guest is Joy Turner, radio host and animal communicator. In addition to readings by Ms. Turner, there will be kittens available for adoption, a raffle, there will be lots of pet care information, samples, treats and fun things to buy to support homeless kitties.

Please visit All The Best Pet Care on Sunday, June 28th, to help raise funds for Feral Care’s ongoing efforts to end the cycle of homeless cats. Sessions with Joy Turner are available as follows: 5 minutes for $20, 15 minutes for $45, or 30 minutes for $75. Advance reservations are available by contacting All The Best Pet Care’s Alki Beach store at 206.938.7501 or

Author Jennifer Worick to read at Admiral library this Saturday

June 16, 2009 2:13 pm
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From the West Seattle (Admiral) branch of the Seattle Public Library – an author reading this Saturday with Jennifer Worick (here’s the direct link):

Saturday, June 20 at 3pm.
Jennifer Worick
Backcountry Betty Crafting With Style: 50 Nature-Inspired Projects
This hip, snappy craft book includes projects designed to bring the outdoors in! The
author will discuss a variety of craft projects that she has divided into habitats
from your backyard to the seashore.

Girl Scout alumnae event (from WS and beyond) July 1st

June 16, 2009 12:20 pm
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The event’s not in West Seattle, but they’re hoping to draw Girl Scout “alumnae” from all over the area, so here’s the official announcement:

Girl Scout Alumnae Happy Hour at Twist Restaurant and Lounge

Wednesday, July 1, 2009
6-7:30 p.m.
2313 1st Ave.

Join us while we mingle, enjoy delicious hors d’oeuvres, and have fun! Learn what’s new with Girl Scouting and connect other women who believe that girls can and should lead lives of courage, confidence and character! $5 ticket price at the door. All Girl Scout alumnae welcome!

*Please contact Sue Ramsey to RSVP at or (206) 633-5600 ext. 215

Nature Consortium hike on Friday (June 19)

Here’s the invitation:

Friday, June 19th 11:30am -1:00pm

Join us for a free public guided hike in the West Duwamish Greenbelt, Seattle’s largest remaining forest. We will explore the hidden treasures of this amazing natural wonder, and hear about the history and the future of the forest. Difficulty is mild. Inexperienced hikers, seniors, and babies in backpacks are welcome. Special note to Parents of toddlers and preschoolers: please be warned that this hike can be challenging for you if you are with a preschooler or two who walk down the hills but want to be carried up. Please bring your own water bottle. Granola bars provided. Wear appropriate footwear (some parts of the trail are muddy)

Extreme rain cancels. Be ready for inspiration!

Meet at the trailhead at 14th Ave SW and SW Holly street. (map)

Call 206- 923-0853 or email reserve your spot. RSVP today!

Celebrate the Summer Solstice at Alki on June 21

June 14, 2009 2:53 am
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Laura Kennedy Gould shares this:

Celebrate the summer solstice, Sunday, June 21, 5 pm, at a picnic on Alki. Meet at the grassy area to the left (west) of the Statue of Liberty. Bring your own dish/cutlery and drink, and bring something to share. Questions?

Beginning Irish dance for kids, July 14-17 in West Seattle

June 14, 2009 2:07 am
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Mike Nagan from the Comerford School of Irish Dance shares this:

A Irish dance workshop for beginning children will be held July 14-17, 10:00 to 11:00 AM, at the West Seattle VFW, 3601 SW Alaska.

These classes are offered by the Comerford School of Irish Dance, which offers classes year-round at the VFW as well as other locations. Irish dance is fun and rewarding, a great way to develop confidence and self-esteem, and to make new friends. INFO: 206-935-3225,

Family events this summer at High Point Library

June 13, 2009 9:02 am
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Thanks to High Point Library for sharing this information:

High Point Library
3411 SW Raymond St

Library events and programs are free and everyone is welcome. Registration is not

Creative Conjuring Magic Show
2pm Wednesday July 1st
Black belt magician and “Creative Conjuror” Jeff Evans celebrates
summer reading with science stunts, wacky inventions and magical
mayhem that add up to total fun! For ages 5-10.

Kaleta: African Masked Dance
5pm Wednesday July 8th
West African performers from Gansango Music & Dance use masked
dance, stories and drumming to share an African festival called
“Kaleta,” when children make homemade masks and go door-to-door in
costume, collecting coins and food treats. For all ages.

Capa de Cuentos
2pm Wednesday July 29th
Los Nietos presents a bilingual series of short Latin
American stories, along with live music, ancient history,
shadow puppets and traditional costumes. For ages 3-adult.

Nature Printmaking (Registration is required for this program; call the branch.)
1pm Saturday August 1st
Learn how to create unique and colorful nature-themed block prints
on tree-free paper with the Nature Consortium. For ages 7 – adult.
This class is limited to 20 people, please register with the branch.

African Drumming
2pm Wednesday Aug 12th
West African performers from Gansango Music & Dance demonstrate the wide variety of
drums found across Africa, play and teach drum rhythms, and show you how to make
simple drums from basic materials. For all ages.

Vacation Bible School at West Side Presbyterian Church

June 13, 2009 8:57 am
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Here’s the official announcement:

All school age children, pre-kindergarten (5 by August 31st) through 5th grade are invited to attend Vacation Bible School (VBS) at West Side Presbyterian Church, June 22-26 from 9am – noon. Enjoy Bible Stories, Crafts, Movies, Music, Treats, Puppets, Awards and Recreation, all at no charge. See for more information and a registration form (pre-registration is not required, but helpful). We hope to see you there!

Got an announcement for our Events calendar and/or our Announced page? E-mail us:

“Aunt Dottie’s Sing-Along Cabaret” at Kenyon Hall June 20

June 13, 2009 8:44 am
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Next weekend at Kenyon Hall in West Seattle – here’s the announcement from “Aunt Dottie” herself:

Come join the musical adventure that’s different every time!

After years entertaining on the high seas, Aunt Dottie, finds herself on dry land,
due to her current husband’s chronic sea-sickness. Unable to stop performing, and
still paying alimony for all of those previous husbands, Aunt Dottie is bringing her

In this show, the audience is encouraged to participate and sing along as Aunt
Dottie and her nephew, Aaron, take you on a journey through some classic and
not-so-classic songs.

ONE night only:
Saturday, June 20, 2009
8:00 p.m.
Kenyon Hall in West Seattle
7904 35th Avenue SW, Seattle, WA 98126
(35th & Kenyon)

Table Seats $14 • Row Seats $12 ($10 Students/Seniors)
Make a reservation and receive $2 Discount on row seats
Reservations: Phone (206)937-3613 or e-mail

For more information, you can visit:
You can follow Aunt Dottie on twitter @auntdottie

AND you can read her story in the May issue of Renton Magazine (page 22)

Yes, Aunt Dottie is everywhere –intent on spreading her own unique brand of peace,
love & rock n’ roll!

Alki Kid’s Place open house on June 24

June 12, 2009 11:57 pm
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 |   Announcements | West Seattle news

From Cheryl Snyder at Alki Kid’s Place:

In celebration of our “One Year Anniversary” we are hosting an Open House June 24 from 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm.

Alki Kid’s Place is “West Seattle’s Solution” for summer camp and afterschool activities specially designed for children ages 4 – 14. Our unique and affordable program provides a safe, caring environment with individualized care and flexible scheduling. The program includes crafts, games, exercise, music, movies, baking and beach time.

Please come and experience our program and enjoy Pizza “donated by our new local Zeeks”, refreshments, activities for your children and a Free Gift for stopping in. We are located at 6115 SW Hinds Street. For more information, call Cheryl at 938-0145.

Cooper Elementary “buddy program” to present art show 6/13

June 11, 2009 4:41 pm
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Coming up this weekend:

An art show hosted by the Cooper Elementary Buddy Program

Saturday, June 13th
6:30 – 9:30 pm
Zeitgeist Coffee
171 S. Jackson St.
Come help us celebrate a successful first year of the Cooper Buddy
Program, a program dedicated to building relationships among students
with and without Autism at Cooper Elementary in Seattle Public Schools.
This evening celebration will feature student photography, paintings,
musical performances, spoken word, and writing, all highlighting the
relationships developed between students with Autism and their buddies.
There will be musical performances by local bluegrass and folk
musicians, Kirk Reese, Jason Stewart, Tom Rooney, Brad Carter and Melisa
Holman. Join us June 13th at Zeitgeist Coffee to celebrate friendships
as we walk together in the shoes of Autism.

Pancake breakfast at Alki UCC on June 27 to help Family Promise

Your breakfast plans for June 27 just might be set – here’s the announcement of a fundraising pancake breakfast:

Who doesn’t love pancakes? Mickey mouse shaped, buttermilk, blueberry, apple sauce, creamy butter, maple syrup, piping hot stack of flap jacks.

Where: Alki United Church of Christ, 62nd and Hinds, in West Seattle.
When: Saturday morning, June 27th starting at 8:30AM.
What¹s to eat: Simple breakfast of pancakes, sausage links, syrup, orange juice, milk and coffee
Who is invited: Anyone who wants to help the cause of homeless families! Children must be accompanied by an adult.
What it costs: $5 per person, but larger donations are welcome and appreciated.

Additional information on Family Promise can be obtained through our website at www. or at our parent website at