A reminder from the Parks Department that its Board of Park Commissioners – chaired by Alki’s Jackie Ramels – meets this Thursday (June 25):
The Seattle Board of Park Commissioners will hold its next regularly
scheduled meeting at 7 p.m. Thursday, June 25 in the Park Board Room at
the Parks Administration Building, 100 Dexter Ave. N (the corner of
Dexter and Denny).The agenda includes:
· Park Operating Hours * Board discussion and recommendation.As
established by City Council ordinance, most Seattle parks are open from
4 a.m. to 11:30 p.m.; however, the Parks Superintendent has the
authority to make exceptions. Many exceptions have been made over the
years in response to problems in some parks that include noise,
graffiti, and alcohol and drug use. As a result, Parks has a variety of
park operating hours. The Board, which heard a briefing on the issue on
February 26, 2009 and held a public hearing on May 14, 2009, will
discuss and make a recommendation on how best to create consistency in
park operating hours and to address actual and perceived neighborhood
safety issues. A briefing paper on park operating hours is at
http://www.seattle.gov/parks/parkboard/default.asp.· Use of Synthetic Turf Policy * Board discussion and
recommendation.After a staff briefing on April 23, 2009, and a public
hearing on May 28, 2009, the Board will make a recommendation to the
Superintendent on a proposed policy on the safe use of synthetic turf at
Seattle Parks and Recreation ballfields. A briefing paper and the
proposed Use of Synthetic Turf Policy are available for review at
http://www.seattle.gov/parks/parkboard/default.asp.· Associated Recreation Council (ARC) * Update briefing.Bill
Keller, ARC*s Executive Director, will present to the Board a
semi-annual report on the relationship between Seattle Parks and ARC, a
nonprofit partner that since 1974 has provided programming in Parks
facilities and advice on programs, services, facilities, and operations.
For more information on ARC, please see
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