Seattle Parks Superintendent Tim Gallagher plans community meetings

June 5, 2009 3:09 pm
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Just announced by the city Parks Department:

Seattle Parks and Recreation will host four public meetings for
community members to meet with Parks Superintendent Timothy Gallagher.
The purpose of the meetings is to give the community an opportunity to
talk with Seattle Parks and Recreation about how the agency is meeting
the needs of neighbors.

Everyone is invited to the meeting, including those who are regular
users of parks and those who participate in Parks sponsored programs and
activities, as well as those who have never visited a community center
or taken a class with Parks.

At the meeting, visitors will have the opportunity to:
路 Meet the staff who work at the community and have one-on-one
conversations about what is working, and what can be improved.
路 Talk with the Superintendent about your ideas for building
community relationships, and making sure Parks programs and services
respond best to the needs of those living in the community.
路 Get updates about what鈥檚 new at the centers.

Meetings will be held at the following locations:

路 Northgate Community Center,10510 5th Ave. NE.
Tuesday, June 9, 7 p.m.
For more information, please contact Pati Maxwell or Tim Pretare at
(206) 386-GATE(4283) or pati.maxwell@seattle.govor
路 Van Asselt Community Center, 2820 S. Myrtle St.
Monday, June 15, 6:30 p.m.
For more information, please contact Kyle Griggs or Daryl Look at the
Van Asselt Community Center at (206) 386-1921 or

路 Jefferson Community Center, 3801 Beacon Ave S.
Tuesday, June 16, 6:30 p.m.
For more information, please contact Doreen Deaver at (206) 684-7481 or

路 South Park Community Center, 8319 8th Ave. S
Wednesday, June 24, 7 p.m.
For more information, please contact Antoinette Daniel at (206)
684-7451 or

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