Pump jump

chevron42707.jpgGas Price Watch update (no, we’re not picking on the 35th/Holden Chevron, just happens to be our baseline this week – next week we might track someplace else): Up a dime/gallon this morning (photo at left). That’s 21 cents since early Monday morning.

8 Replies to "Pump jump"

  • dq April 27, 2007 (12:55 pm)

    another good reason to take the water taxi! (starts running this sunday…)

  • dq April 27, 2007 (1:19 pm)

    another good reason to take the Water Taxi (it starts running again on Sunday!)

  • Chet April 27, 2007 (1:28 pm)

    I’d hate to see what ADM/CA Chev is charging if this is what 35th is reporting. Ouch. Anybody know where a coinstar is? LOL

  • Jan April 27, 2007 (2:47 pm)

    well…here’s an interesting article…


    wonder what they’ll be the next quarter…hmmmm…

  • Admiral Janeway April 27, 2007 (8:43 pm)

    Calif&Admiral Chevron is a bargain! $3.23/3.43/3.63
    What IS the reason for this incredible price surge this month??? I have heard the switch from winter blend to summer blend has caused a shortage. Whatever, $50 to fill my tank.

  • Jiggers April 28, 2007 (8:16 am)

    get on the bus if you no like it..

  • Cruiser April 28, 2007 (8:18 am)

    The reason? take your pick from below:

    Refinery maintenance..scheduled maintenance at this time of year ahead of the “driving season” reduces their output capacity of gas and therefore less supply coupled with level or increased demand = price up.

    Nigeria/Iran/Iraq/brown envelopes in congress any of them!

    One thing to note though it takes c 30-45 days for increases in the headline price per barrel to hit the pumps in West Seattle, so the price you pay ain’t going down anytime soon:) Take solice that people in Europe pay $6-7 a gallon:)

    Anyway off out to fill my car(only allowed premium so that’s $3.50 per gallon for me!!)

  • Chet April 30, 2007 (10:59 am)

    I have to use premium too (is anyone surprised? :) ) so Adm Chev is no bargain for me. It was 3.71 on Sunday but they seem to have better prices on their regular since they use the 20 cent tiered pricing. It’s good gas but I buy other brands except like the cheap stuff that will prob cost you more in engine repairs than you save on gas LOL.

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