When West Seattle Gas Price Watch collides with Typo Watch


Thanks to the tipster who called us about this sign that’s just gone up at the recently reopened former 76 station on ROXbury, a couple blocks east of 35th. Also worth noting, this is our first sighting of $3.20-something regular gas since the price plummet began.

10 Replies to "When West Seattle Gas Price Watch collides with Typo Watch"

  • miws October 15, 2008 (5:09 pm)

    Well, it looks like I’ve failed as a wannabe WSB Cub Reporter! I noticed that sign yesterday afternoon on my bus ride back home from Burien, thought of notifying TR, but then forgot by the time I made it home.



  • WSB October 15, 2008 (5:14 pm)

    No worries, it’s the thought that counts.

    We have e-mail, text, phone, Twitter, Facebook, gotta work on Telepathy too …

  • hopey October 15, 2008 (6:02 pm)

    It was me… I really should get Twitter set up on my phone. :)

  • WSB October 15, 2008 (6:21 pm)

    Thanks – Patrick took the call but didn’t relay who the tipster was, you know we believe in credit where credit’s due! Extra credit to anybody who goes to that station and drops in to ask them if they’re going to fix it. We’ll do that sometime tomorrow if we don’t hear from anyone first.

  • Admiral Janeway October 15, 2008 (6:22 pm)

    Talk about falling prices…Barnecut’s on Admiral (the Shell station) had unleaded for $3.53 on Saturday. Today it’s $3.31/gal.

  • WSB October 15, 2008 (7:02 pm)

    Well, then we indeed picked the right time to restart our Sunday night surveys (for early Monday morning publication) … will be fascinating to see where it’s all down to by NEXT Sunday night …

  • s October 15, 2008 (8:50 pm)

    and here i thought i was getting a good deal when i filled up last friday for $3.49

  • crakd October 16, 2008 (9:28 am)

    $3.25 at the Delridge ARCO this morning! i nearly drove off the road! LOL

  • OP October 16, 2008 (11:08 am)

    Oil has dropped nearly $5 BBL (again) to less than $70 BBL this morning. Prepare for it to go even lower. Much lower.

    Of course no one will have a job or the money to fill their cars, so there’s that….

  • Diane October 17, 2008 (10:47 pm)

    I got gas here tonight for $3.07
    I tried to ask the very sweet man about the typo, but his English; not so much

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