Election 2015: Tom Koch leaves District 1 City Council race

And now, the District 1 City Council race is down to nine candidates, three weeks from the filing deadline – Tom Koch has just sent word he’s withdrawing:

My decision is based on a number of factors including some personal considerations.

However, I am pleased to be able to look back at the past two months and see some good things that have come from this undertaking. First, I was lucky enough to meet a number of terrific people both via community organizations as well as during my doorbelling. Second, the thrust of my campaign has been pretty clear and I’ve been gratified to see many of the other candidates echo the feeling that impact fees must be adopted in order to more fairly fund public infrastructure.

Impact fees were Koch’s big issue during the two months he’s been campaigning since his February 19th candidacy announcement. So here’s who remains:

CURRENT D-1 CANDIDATES: David Ishii (back as of 3/9/2015), Pavel Goberman (declared 3/5/2015), , Lisa Herbold (declared 2/11/15), Shannon Braddock (declared 2/11/15), Brianna Thomas (declared 2/11/15), Phillip Tavel (declared 2/4/15), George Capestany (declared 11/11/14), Amanda Kay Helmick (declared 10/20/14), Chas Redmond (declared 12/20/13). Filing deadline is May 15th; primary election is August 4th. Along with voting on the D-1 position, West Seattle/South Park also will vote on the two “at-large” spots, Positions 8 and 9.

11 Replies to "Election 2015: Tom Koch leaves District 1 City Council race"

  • Diane April 23, 2015 (6:30 pm)

    boo, bummer; well that would explain why I didn’t see you at the affordable housing forum at the WS senior center today
    thanks Tom for advocating for affordable housing and keeping the conversation about impact fees alive; and telling the truth about developer’s ability to pay their fair share; hope to still see you around at meetings and maybe even helping/endorsing another candidate

  • m April 23, 2015 (8:11 pm)

    I’m having a hard time sorting through all of these candidates. It does seem that we have very little choice as they seem to all share similar values and initiatives (with the exception of Pavel. Still not sure what that guy is all about).

    I feel that we are missing a candidate that represents the beliefs of many West Seattlites including myself(although maybe not the majority).

    I’m not looking to reignite the various debates that have been hashed out so many times on these comments. I also value and appreciate the varying and often opposite of my WS neighbors.

    However, I would love to see a candidate who opposes rent controls, 15 now, and road diets. I think these are potentially dangerous movements moving Seattle in the wrong. Would love someone with a stronger background in business savy and economic theory.

    Would love a candidate that focuses more on making WS a safer place with less crime. A candidate that is concerned about WS traffic and provides solutions that understand and respect that many of us need to travel by car. A candidate that is objective about the idea of using a dormant terminal 5 to store an oil rig for a period of time to provide revenue to the port and city

    Some may think these views are elitist. However, please understand that I am far from “well off” and have challenges of my own.

    I dont think I’m the only WS residents that shares some of these values.

    I’d just like some guidance on which of these candidates may at least not be fully against some of these values. Maybe the best is to just understand which candidate is the least “radical.” I don’t think this city can afford another Sawant.

  • Jim Guenther April 23, 2015 (8:30 pm)

    It is with a saddened heart that I receive this information.I really believed that important issues were going to be discussed and possible solutions other than proposing another study.He had principles and was willing to stand by them even if it cost him the election. He was running because he thought he could bring about positive change in the city. The issues of developer impact fees,really look at different approaches to transportation and affordable housing will only receive lip service but no concrete solutions or action. This election is extremely critical because with districts the governance of this city in the future will be determined at this election. I am very sorry you chose to withdraw from the race,what a golden opportunity ,for a once in a life time experience. I am proud to have been your campaign chair. Jim G.

  • Denny April 23, 2015 (9:04 pm)

    M –

    I don’t share all of the your views, but enough to speak up. I am leaning towards Phillip Tavel, and think he’s someone you should consider. He’s not going to agree with everything you’ve posted, but he’s a lot closer than the other candidates.

  • m April 23, 2015 (9:11 pm)


    Much appreciated.

  • acemotel April 24, 2015 (10:52 am)

    Would love to know the back story on this. :-) I was impressed with the man when I saw him. He is organized, focused, and can deliver a great presentation. He had a great line, and passion too. Too bad that almost all of his financial support came from California; that was something I did wonder about. Thanks to him for running, I hope it was a good experience for him.

    • WSB April 24, 2015 (11:01 am)

      Ace – this is part of the reason that early reporting on candidates’ finances is often more confusing than helpful – as one political website explained for context, early $ for grassroots candidates often comes from family and friends. Koch is a former Californian.

  • Diane April 24, 2015 (12:30 pm)

    It was good to see several of our District 1 City Council candidates at the critically important affordable housing forum at the West Seattle Senior Center yesterday; in attendance: Chas Redmond, Shannon Braddock, Phil Tavel, and Pavel Goberman (unfortunately, due to this being a noon forum, I’m sure Lisa Herbold, Amanda Helmick, Brianna Thomas were unable to attend because of their day jobs
    fyi, seattlechannel recorded the entire event, so everyone can view as soon as it becomes available online; and I will be watching for it on TV ch 21
    the City Hall affordable housing event last night with CM’s Licata and Sawant and many affordable housing leaders, played this morning on TV ch 21, so it should be available online now; highly recommend watching both of these informative forums about our housing crisis and proposed solutions
    and again, I want to thank Tom Koch for his advocacy re affordable housing
    and thanks to TR for comprehensive detailed coverage of the affordable housing forum at Sr Ctr yesterday

  • LivesInWS April 25, 2015 (10:23 am)

    Sad to see this good candidate withdraw. I was very impressed after talking with him when he was doorbelling the neighborhood. He had developed and built affordable housing himself earlier in his former career and had a lot of practical experience which would translate well into how to do that here. He was also fluent. Even something of a policy wonk, which IMO is great in an elected official.

  • Pavel Goberman April 29, 2015 (11:51 am)

    On Comment by “M”, about me, “… Pavel. Still not sure what that guy is all about”. Did you hear on Affordable Housing Forum at West Seattle Senior Citizen Center I asked question: “How much money members of City Council received during theirs election campaign?” But they didn’t answer. And the Seattle Channel, TV Ch 21 cut my question off from their’s broadcast. why? Do not say truth is a lie.
    Also: I spoke before City Council and gave my suggestion to help homeless and city: We the People’s building as Union Station, Amtrak building and others, locked for nights, must be open for homeless and others from 10 or 11 pm till 6 am. It will be a temporary, secure and warm shelters with toilets. It will reduce crime, reduce prostitution, save city and federal government / taxpayers big money spending on police, medical, help businesses. But: I have no any reply from city, and TV Ch 21 didn’t broadcast my 2-min speech. And this station is on taxpayers funding.
    Also: West Seattle Senior Citizen Center is a second home for many seniors, and this center must be open for 4 hours on Saturday and Sunday. I talk about it to Mayor Murray and City Council, but no any action.
    I against rent control: it is NOT government business to dictate businesses how to run business. But I’m against spending / wasting many millions taxpayers money by City Council on housing as on Seattle Housing Authority, where Property Manager’s salary is $186,000. Wow!
    All members of Seattle City Council intentionally created housing crisis, and all of them gave an Oath and must be moved from We the People’s offices, and may not hold any public offices (Amendment XIV, Section 3). Change dirty diapers, do NOT vote for them.
    It is about me.
    Also: I run for City Council Position 1 because not as some are saying: I have experience, but what I could benefit this society: I have a concrete plans to create a few thousands jobs, improve traffic, fight crimes, reduce taxes and etc.
    It is me: Pavel Goberman, honest, incorruptible, with faith, Integrity and High Moral Principles.

    Pavel Goberman

  • Pavel Goberman April 29, 2015 (12:00 pm)

    P.S. from Pavel:
    It is very, very simple: we The People, but not big corrupted media must be in charge of election.
    So, just do it! Organize Forum / Debates of Candidates, and ask them what concrete they could do for you, your family, city and country.

    Pavel Goberman

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