UPDATE: Flipped-car crash at Fauntleroy end of westbound West Seattle Bridge (updated Monday)

12:07 AM: SFD ad SPD are on their way to the Fauntleroy end of the westbound West Seattle Bridge, where the live traffic camera shows a flipped car.

12:12 AM: According to emergency radio, whoever was in the car got out safely. A texter just sent this ground-level view:

The one SFD unit originally sent was canceled quickly, indicating no serious injuries.

12:31 AM: There’s also been no indication of another vehicle involved. Police remain on scene awaiting a tow truck.

12:43 AM: The tow truck has arrived, and they’re expecting to have to block traffic for a bit while the tow crew gets the car hooked up and righted.

1:02 AM: The car’s been towed and the scene is cleared.

8:11 PM: We followed up with SPD today and heard back tonight that the driver was arrested for investigation of DUI and reckless endangerment.

16 Replies to "UPDATE: Flipped-car crash at Fauntleroy end of westbound West Seattle Bridge (updated Monday)"

  • BDR February 2, 2025 (8:31 am)

    Let me guess- the car was a stolen vehicle?

    • WSB February 2, 2025 (8:46 pm)

      No indication of that at the time, but I hope to get a bit of followup info tomorrow.

  • Derp February 2, 2025 (10:24 am)

    Any word on if the driver stayed on seen or ran ?

    • WSB February 2, 2025 (10:58 am)

      They were on scene. There was a passenger reported to possibly have walked away, possibly in a daze, which is another reason people leave crash scenes sometimes.

  • Ryan Vytlacil February 2, 2025 (4:01 pm)

    How do you flip your car here? 

  • Popeye February 2, 2025 (8:28 pm)

    Wondering if the curvature in the road as you’re heading westbound towards Fauntleroy is part of the ongoing problem, add going in excess speed and/or a slick road. 

    • bolo February 2, 2025 (9:04 pm)

      Yes, where is that? Looks like there a four lanes in that direction. The two inside lanes are arrow-marked as left-turn lanes.

      • WSB February 2, 2025 (9:07 pm)

        This was so close to 35th, the regular SDOT camera angle showed the scene. If you look up at the top right corner of the image (cropped), you’ll see the end of that last curve.

  • West Seattlite February 3, 2025 (6:02 am)

    I’m a bit late to this, but this was posted to YouTube. It’s a weird one, the car just suddenly swerved off the road. https://youtu.be/l4xiNaUc-Bw?feature=shared

    • Very odd February 19, 2025 (1:49 pm)

      Before I saw the video I thought the driver was just speeding and lost control on the corner. After watching the video my first thought was that sharp turn was caused by someone yanking the wheel. It’s weird. Since the passenger left the scene I guess we will never know the truth on what their part was. What an odd situation. 

  • WSB February 3, 2025 (8:13 pm)

    Just updated. Police say driver was arrested. And for the person who asked, no, they confirmed, the car was not stolen. – TR

  • Kiki February 4, 2025 (6:00 pm)

    This was principle Ray Morales from Chief Sealth HS

  • watchedVid February 4, 2025 (10:19 pm)

    In the video, the rollover was preceded by the car traveling WB in the right hand lane at a seemingly normal speed then veering hard to the right and going sharply up onto the curb and into vegetation then rolling onto its top returning back into the right hand driving lane.  The veering action was at odds  with the vehicle travel action.  Also a lot a people were at the scene immediately after the vehicle came to rest and until Police were able to get there. Thank you to those who stopped and offered aid. 

  • nonnie February 4, 2025 (10:40 pm)


  • I live in West Seattle February 6, 2025 (2:35 pm)

    Everyone who believes Ray Garcia-Morales should not be reinstated as principal at Chief Sealth International High School or at any other school, please contact Seattle Public Schools at this address:publicaffairs@seattleschools.org

    It’s not just the driving while under the influence and reckless endangerment, it’s his abusive behavior towards the passenger, the woman told Seattle police that she was afraid of him and that he has been abusive before. He also lied, telling police there was no other person in the vehicle that night.Those details have now been reported by several local media outlets but Seattle Public Schools failed to inform families and staff about the very serious and disturbing domestic violence accusations against Ray Garcia-Morales. 

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