WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Theft reported from USPS mail truck

Police are responding to a report of mail theft a short time ago. According to the dispatch, two or three trays of mail are reported to have been stolen from a USPS truck near 42nd/Graham. The thief/thieves are reported to be in a white Lincoln SUV with Florida plates, possibly a “rental vehicle” per dispatch. Call 911 if you have any info.

1 Reply to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Theft reported from USPS mail truck"

  • Lola December 4, 2024 (7:36 am)

    They caught the guy who dumped the mail a few weeks ago over by 50th between Edmonds & Alaska St.  It was a postal worker from Renton who had to come to WS for one day to work and instead he dumped 1/2 his mail load.  Thanks to those who Brought the Mail in then contacted the USPS about it.  I hate hearing about mail that has been stolen or mail that has been dumped. 

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